


4 years, 1 month ago


Cost:: $30

Vague idea of story

A gentle boy who does what he is told with very little issue. He dreams his humans will properly complete their ambitions. The ambition is To one day see the ocean. Where he lives is in a bitchin aquarium on a boat house on a lake very much like the great lakes. He protects the boat from the evil that inhabits the water.

Things learned about him from the September prompt. Junichi is very much used to being in the teacher position and happily embraces that role. As he uses his knowledge of many years to teach the family he watches over.  Is able to Multitask pretty well. He is very talented with water and wind magic, but not very talented with any of the other elements. His physical strength is mediocre at best however he does have very good stamina.

Taozen Info

He is a resident of Hydroma Village. He made a living selling the seas bounty until he was summoned and contracted by the ancestors of his current master. He still pops back to his home village to check in on his wife and help keep unwanted visitors away from their waters during the tourist season.