Magnavox Odyssey



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Magnavox Odyssey (He doesn’t remember his real name but, it’s Matthew.)

Pronouns: He/Him

Birthday: September 1st

Nickname: Maggy 

Species: Human(?)

Height: 5’4

Age: 15

Weapon: two black chisels

Powers: Midas’s Touch, everything he touches becomes static and disappears.


Nathan DS (Friend)

Everett Evercade (Associate)

Paxton PlayStation (Associate)

Xan Xbox (Associate)

William Wii (looks up to him but, also thinks he’s kinda weird.)

Seth Sega (Associate)

Series: Digitally_Dissolved

Description: A young, timid, and shy magical boy whose been trapped inside a Video Game Console since the late 70s and has now been freed thanks to Nathan. He has no memory of what happened before, how he ended up trapped in there, or why he has such a pale white complexion as he can't even remember his real name, he thinks it's Magnavox Odyssey. The only thing left intact was his powers in which he basically has Midas's touch but, instead of everything turning to gold, everything Maggy touches turns to static mush. (which explains why his hands and legs look like that.) he actually needs help being fed as even with utensils and food, they turn to static as well. He hopes to one day figure out a way to fix this issue. His weapon of choice is two chisel knives with the same effects as his Midas’s touch when stabbing someone/something.

Songs that make me think of Maggy:

Take a big guess why this song is here.

Gumi - Echo

The Living Tombstone - My Ordinary Life (The other magical girls/boys often praise Maggy for being the first magical boy (in the story) and most powerful, he doesn't appreciate the overpraising.)

WHOKILLEDXIX - spy? just the voice since it reminds me that his voicecanon is a voice synthesizer