


3 years, 11 months ago


Name: noriko 

After-shippuden blank period: 0-11
Boruto: 11-12

Gender: genderfluid

Sexual orientation: pansexual

Heigth: 1m68 / 5ft6

Birthday: 17th March

Specialization: puppet master 

Village: Sunagakure / konoha

Chakra nature: unknown


Noriko was given up by their parents at birth. Their mother got pregnant extremely young and lacked the resources to be able to care for a child. Noriko was brought up in an orphanage in Sunagakure. They where always a very serious child, not laughing too much but you always knew they were happy. They loved to play ball with the other children at the orphanage but most of all they loved to take daring adventures. Often scaring the people that cared for her as she could disappear for days on time chasing some fairy tail they had maid up. Eventually the staff just let them go and expected her back, luckily they did always come back.
At age 5 Noriko first met Senji, he came to help out in the orphanages. Noriko did not have an immediate connection but they did have to admit they wanted to be adopted, to be part of an actual family. Noriko was extremely jealous of Oona, the girl Senji first adopted. They could not understand why he would not adopt her. For the next 2 years Senji and Oona came to visit often, and at age 7 Senji also adopted Noriko. Noriko had a harder time bonding with Senji, they did not smile often nor did they show physical affection. However they always made sure to leave Senji little things so he knew that Noriko did care for him. Eventually Noriko warmed up, now being more affectionate to her father.
Noriko had an easier time bonding with their new sister, as they already knew her from within the orphanage. Noriko and Oona had not been too close, but knowing a bit about her made Noriko feel even more at home in their new family.
Noriko continued going to the academy in Konoha, graduating and passing her chunin exams on the first try. Class was a bit hard for Noriko, as she did not have anyone to teach her about puppeteering. Senji recognized this and together they looked for someone that could teach her everything. They ended up learning from Kankuro in Sunagakure. Noriko had always carried around with her a little wooden snake, this was the only thing they had from their mother but they had never learned how to use it. After learning from Kankuro the snake became her main weapon, they modified it to have venom spikes hidden within it. They also learned how to put their other dolls in scrolls which they carry around with them at all times. Every time Noriko makes a doll, they happily show it off to both Oona and Senji before anyone else.

Down to earth, challenging, daring, serious,  indecisive, irresponsible

Weapons: puppets

Strength(s): Able to keep people grounded, stands up for what she believes in, does not shy away from a challenge

Weakness(s): Sometimes too serious, cannot make a decision unless in a life threatening situation, not responsible at all

Family: Unknown (mother), unknown (father), Senji (adoptive father), Oona (adoptive sister), Hany Hanako (adoptive aunt), Tori Mikan (adoptive aunt), Mon (cousin), Kanna (cousin), Hisato (cousin) 

Friends/relationships: TBA