Poppy's Comments

Does anyone in my TH interest you? lol ;-;

Nope, sorry!

how much is this babe as well?

hmm i still kinda like them and am mainly looking for character trades but I guess around $40 idk

what kinds of oc's are you looking for? ^^

mainly softies or bright colored kids also not really into female characters 

you can check out the following tags: soft, pastel, bright, color, neon! you can exclude the tag "female" ^^

oh wowi you have a lot of charactersI don’t think I viewed a lot of them tbh sorry it was a little overwhelming but I did like these two



4 Replies

hey!! are they ufo? :0

yes they are

anyone in my th for them? :0

You have nice characters but I didn’t connect with anyone sorry

thats alright!