Blue/Red Wolves (Species Info)



3 years, 10 months ago


I felt like making this species open. It's not very creative, but it was something I made up before the whole "Original Species" craze. Due to its simple nature, I figured I would share the details in case you would fancy making your own 
( PLEASE Share Your Creations! I'd LOVE to see other's take on this concept!

Blue Wolves is a species I created when I was about twelve years old.

Blue Wolves follow a couple of simple rules:

  • Blue must be their main color with the only other colors allowed being grayscale aside from their eye color which could vary in any way (most commonly gold)
  • Blue Wolves usually have some sort of hair on their heads resembling that of a humanoid, or some sort of mane. The hair can vary in length from short to long, regardless of sex.
  • Males (and only males) have red ribbon-like tendrils that come out of the backs of their heads. Females do not have these tendrils, and the reason is unknown.
  • Blue Wolves, no matter what sex or gender, must have the name of a blue hue, Such as Midnight, Sky, or Cobalt. if you can put "blue" at the end of the name and come up with a hue, it can be a blue wolf name. (so names like John, Amy, Sunshine, or Orange would not be names considered)

Alternately, with the same rules, with obvious alterations, there are Red Wolves. Their fur is red with other reds or grayscale, red-based names, and males have blue tendrils.

Very Rarely the two breed together and make purple wolves- the males seem to mutate to have green tendrils, though there seems to be no discernible reason why. 

Fur patterns can vary in markings and hues,  but typically the fur patterns don't stray from a classic pattern and usually have only 2 or 3 hues (seen on the Blue wolf male example)

Pure-blooded blue or red wolves only have one or two pups per litter, but should a blue or red wolf cross with a normal wolf or a different wolf species, their litter sizes may differ.

My Own (Pure-Blooded) Blue Wolf Characters on

Other Blue/Red/Purple Wolf Characters by others:
(I will put links here if any are ever shared with me)