


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Yukako Yoshikage






Human (previous), Demon (current)


Haru Yoshikage (younger brother)


Long ago her village had two shrines, one at the east side and one in the west. The community worshiped two deities until one day, it is said the God Mi appeared at her brother's shrine and struck it down, claiming Ka was banished and no longer a God. It was then on forbidden to bring him offerings of any sort and his broken shrine became a tainted place no one dared to visit. Except Yukako, who heard stories about the God and learned all she could, she became obsessed. She visited his shrine only when the moon was clouded and no light could give her away as she crept. He was weak, but not dead. Ka spoke to Yukako many nights and eventually drove her to kill and eat her family. However whenever Yukako spoke to the Fell God, she purposely never mentioned her small brother Haru to him. The rest of her family was cruel and she did not care for them, but knew her innocent brother did not deserve their same fate. After performing the sacrifice, Ka entered her body and the girl morphed into an unholy monster, who began killing villagers. Haru was grief stricken but unwavering. He came before the demon wielding his father's sword, young and small as he was, Ka could not help but laugh. Haru was more prepared than he seemed, however. Rather than attacking the demon, he first cut himself. Ka's laughter faded. With the dripping blade, he was able to severely wound the demon, since they shared a bond through blood. Ka became furious, thinking Yukako had killed her family and eradicated her bloodline entirely, but it was not so. While the demon was recovering, Haru got to work. He wrote runes with his blood on posts bordering the village, creating a barrier the demon could not break. He evacuated the survivors, it turns out only a small number had perished at the hands of Ka before Haru intervened, and many were safe because of him. He stayed in the village to make sure Ka never escaped, and even though he knows how to kill the Demon, he can not bring himself to do it, for it is his only living family.