


3 years, 10 months ago


♡ Profile ♡

Name: Jasmine
Nickname/s: Jaz, Monster/Mon
Species: black chimaera (kemonomimi)
Gender: female
Age: ???
Birthday: 20th August
Sexuality: bisexual
Relationship status: taken (girlfriend is Maia)
Family: views Levi as her father
Voice claim: Kylee Henke

♡ Likes and Dislikes ♡

+ sugar/sweet things, energy drinks
+ killing (with some exceptions)
+ practicing knife tricks
+ magicians
+ Freya, Maia

- big boats
- skirts/dresses (despises them)
- heavy weapons (bc 'lighter ones are faster')
- over-serious people
- tea

♡ Extra info ♡

- has no right eye - there are scars around it and on the back of her head, but her hair is thick enough to hide those
- rly should not be alive but here she is and she seems fine
- probably snorts when she laughs
- keeps in touch with Ciar's dad, but insists he put his work first unless he hasn't already taken on a job
- carries at least two knives, but rarely uses more than one
- wears a bit of makeup but doesn't spend that long on it
- talks v openly about r18+ things and is surprised when people seem shocked (it doesn't stop her tho,)
- always tops, no matter who she's with
- good swimmer
- makes friends easily
- has no parents, but refers to Ciar's dad as hers too
- playfully bullies everyone she likes (but only fights with Ciar - neither hold back despite it just being for fun)
- although she loves to tease him, she does care a lot about Ciar and hates to see him upset (especially if he's hiding it)
- bad with remembering names unless she's rly close with the person (refers to people using certain characteristics most of the time)
- pretty much only wears cropped clothes