Soma & Seiji



7 years, 3 months ago


Related Characters: Suki & Sousuke

Name: Soma (the tan skinned dude)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Eye color: Red
Nationality: ???
Fashion Style: Casual clothes, whatever might be trendy or just comfortable!

informal | Goofy | Energetic | Stubborn | Curious
Soma is a fairly energetic fellow, physically fit and able-bodied. As such, he isn't one to laze about.
He likes travelling and learning about all sorts of people and cultures and is an open-minded guy.
Soma enjoys swimming and playing all sorts of other sports as a hobby, he's decent at it but doesn't play competetively.
He's a pretty goofy fellow, and likes to give others nick-names and is pretty friendly. Maybe even too friendly at times.

Name: Seiji (white skin, yo.)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue/grey
Nationality: Japanese, probably.
Fashion Style: Wears a lot of traditional Japanese garments, but otherwise dresses casually in simple clothes.

Polite | Cheerful | Soft-spoken | Kind to a fault
Seiji is a polite young man who tends to keep to himself unless spoken to, however he is more than willing to go out of his way to help others even if its inconvenient for him.
He's not too terribly shy, but is very soft-spoken and very formal, usually.
Most of his time is spent studying and reading, though he dabbles a bit in Japanese calligraphy as a hobby.