Russet Sun



3 years, 9 months ago



A traveling hunter who chased an ancient and foul species. They slew bastions of these creatures and drove back the evil from many lands. However, one of these creatures, the very last of it's kind.. upon it's dying breath laid a curse on them. Engulfed by rot and spore, they became enraged, insatiable.. Out of control. And now they wander alone. Terrified of what they have become.

Curse Details:
- Their name is a "keyword." Anyone who knows it and speaks it to them can control them. They cannot speak this word themself.

- While in monster form, they are covered in all manner of strange fungus and mushrooms. Especially toadstools. In fact their horns which were broken off in battle by one of the very monsters they sought to eradicate, are now overgrown and sprouting mushrooms. The spores cloud their judgement and irritate them immensely.

- Calling their name while they're in monster form can calm them down and free them, only if the person calling them is someone who genuinely cares about them and loves them in any sort of honest capacity.

- While in monster form, they have the ability to breathe out spores which can bring corpses back to life under their control. Invaluable for people who seek to use this power to build an unstoppable army.

- They cannot be killed by normal means. If injured, their body will release spores that heal them faster than is humanly possible.

- If their body is destroyed but even a single spore escapes, they can regenerate entirely from that single spore.