August Bullatin



3 years, 10 months ago


Name August Bullatin
Age 28
Gender Male
Height 5'8"
Build Average
Race Ambulance Chaser
Job Lawbot/Detective
Orentation Gay

Fun Facts

  • He makes his own music but he never really shares it with anyone (though Bonicina has overheard it from time to time without him knowing).
  • August is horribly squeamish (reasoning to why he's so terrified of horror movies) but he doesn't tell Bonicina.
  • Bonicina hates how tall he is so she just climbs onto his shoulders a lot to be tall, though he gets close to falling over due to this.
  • Every Friday Bonicina and August hang out and watch low budget horror movies together.
  • His quote is "Music is like an escape on life, each string speaking a different path in your life with the note it plays".



August is a sweet man who tries his best at his job. Although he is riddled with anxieties he deeply cares about others and tends to take the best of people into consideration. He doesn't like it when people assume that all toons are good and all cogs are bad and vise versa, he knows that both can be equally terrible in their own ways. He doesn't know any toons, nor many other people and hasn't grown close to any co-workers besides Boncina. He fears someday something bad will happen to her.

He wants to someday be strong like Bonicina, enough to where he can protect her like she protects him. He can be shy and doesn't really interact much with anyone socially, even when Bonicina tries to get him to. If he had to state one thing he fears the most, It would be the day he witnesses the death or isn't even there for the death of Bonicina..something that would traumatize him even worse. If he died first he would feel like he failed Bonicina in his final moments, something he would never want to do.



  • Playing Guitar
  • Rock Music
  • Bowling
  • Blue Items
  • Halloween
  • Watching Movies With Bonicina


  • Bacchus Gavil
  • Large Crowds
  • Horror Movies
  • Blood
  • Being High Up


August is a man with admittedly not so great luck. He was luckt enough to grow close to Bonicina, someone he thankfully trusts a lot as he has a lot of anxieties and has no idea how to really talk to people. He fears a lot but through everyday life loves to make music and hang around Bonicina, especially after Ambrosius's death that left him scared. He tends to overwork a lot and fears Bacchus Gavil, his boss, more than anyone else in the office due to things that Bacchus has done. Sometimes he would go out bowling with Bonicina, even to karaoke as the two had a lot of fun together hanging out and enjoying life.

He met Bonicina back in training school, grew close, and started to get out more after most of his life he was a bit sheltered. He came from a factory that was not the best, confused on his life as his whole life until he met Bonicina was a complete silent mess with no one to really talk to. He tried expressing himself more in music, though always hid his passion for it along with buying his first guitar in his teen years. He wrote music, and never really caught onto Bonicina listening into his jam time back when they lived together until the day she fell through the door and scared the life out of him. At work he tended to be treated worse by Bacchus, Bacchus hurting him a lot and well...Bonicina eventually found out one day. He begged her not to do anything, scared to death but it got worse when Ambrosius found out and wanted to do something as well. His guitar one day was smashed by Bacchus who came over to scold him..barging in and destroying some things he loved. He felt sick, crying on the floor and when Bonicina caught wind she did a few things...then got him a new guitar, August finding it and since that day hasn't stopped thankinf her for it. When Ambrosius had died, August was going to confess his crush to him that day. He never got the chance and was a wreck, not leaving his room and just crying for a week straight. Eventually he let Bonciina in and had spent all his time with her trying to get over it all..even allowing her to pop on some movies for them to binge while he talked to her.

Currently, August is supporting Bonicina as much as he can while she supports him. Bacchus is still horrible to him, though hasn't physically harmed him since Bonicina had done something. If it was up to Bonicina, Bachhus wouldn't be alive at all but..August knew Bonicina can't do everything. He loves the guitar Bonicina had gotten him years ago, though he still misses his first one. He's more open to her now about it and is getting over the death of Ambrosius still, though someday wants to meet the toon who brough his fate- not with anger but with cuiriosity to it all..something Bonicina will never tell him why that toon had killed Ambrosius. With all this, he still horribly fears Bacchus, knowing someday that man will snap and corner him again given the chance.


Bonicina Servunx Best Friend/Co-Worker


"You're like a rock..someone that's always there for me when I need someone.."

Ambrosius Whirlwind Friend/Co-Worker/Crush


"You didn't deserve to die oh god....I'm sorry I'm really sorry I...this is all my fault!"

Bacchus Gavil Boss/Enemy


"S-STAY BACK! Bonicina h--- GET AWAY FROM ME!"

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