


3 years, 9 months ago



Name : Rainstone
PREFIX –– Rain-: his spots like rain droplets
SUFFIX –– -stone: his calm, steadfast nature
Past names : Rainkit, Rainpaw
Nicknames : Rain, Rainy
Age : 28+ moons
Gender : Female
Pronouns : He/him
Sex : Female
Sexuality : Bisexual biromantic
Rank : Warrior
Past Ranks : Kit, apprentice, queen
Clan : HailClan
Past Clans : n/a
Mentor : Violetheart
Apprentice :
Current Apprentice : Burnetpaw
Past Apprentices : Aspenfoot, Saltpaw

Short description : willowy blue-grey spotted tabby molly with white, dark grey patches and shadow green eyes
Breeds : Turkish angora X javanese X egyptian mau mix

Build : tall and willowy
Fur description : loose, fine and silky

Height : 29 cm
Weight : 7.9 lbs

Scars : n/a
Accessories : n/a
Banned traits : n/a

good . neutral . bad
Positive :
Steadfast : Rainstone is a reliable cat. He always fulfills any duty that is required of him, any promise that he makes. He never lets others down, not if he can help it.
Objective : Rainstone is amazing at making judgments on things. He sees things as they are and excels at putting aside his own personal feelings about a situation in order to see it clearly.
Practical : Rainstone will always do what is best to get to his goal. Even if there are sentimentalities attached to a goal, he is capable of putting them aside for the greater good.

Neutral :
Formal : Rainstone often speaks in an overly stiff, elegant way. He's great with authorities but not so much with peer groups because of it.
Stern : Rainstone is a highly disciplined molly, and expects the same of the others around him. He can be downright millitant in the way he drives others and himself to perform to their best.
Conformist : Rainstone doesn't often think outside the box. He's happy to follow the rules set out by his society, to be the ideal member. It does make him resistant to new ideas, however.

Negative :
Perfectionist : According to Rainstone, everything he does has to be perfect. He obsesses over his skills, or the cleanliness of his hunting, or his execution of a fighting technique, often driving himself into the ground to reach perfection. It goes beyond productivity and into being harmful for his physical and mental health.
Single-minded : When Rainstone makes up his mind, it's almost impossible to change it. On top of that, he has a lot of black and white thinking. Things are either one thing or the other, and once he's decided then there's no convincing him otherwise.
Passive : Rainstone takes an "it is what it is" approach to most things. He doesn't try to change things on a societal or environmental level at all, not really realizing that he can.
  • Hard work
  • Discipline
  • Recognition
  • Being ignored
  • Laziness
  • Free spirits
Fears : Something bad happening to his kits, being helpless in a moment of crisis
Habits : He grooms his fur frequently, because its fine nature causes it to get caught and tangle a lot.
  • Rainstone's love language is quality time
  • He is the first molly in RSW to use exclusively he/him pronouns.

Agility [ 8/10 ]
Stealth [ 10/10 ]
Speed [ 7/10 ]
Strength [ 4/10 ]
Endurance [ 4/10 ]
Climbing [ 6/10 ]
Swimming [ 4/10 ]

Sight [ 5/10 ]
Scent [ 6/10 ]
Hearing [ 10/10 ]
Taste [ 4/10 ]
Touch [ 5/10 ]

Den building [ 5/10 ]
Battle [ 4/10 ]
Hunting [ 7/10 ]
Kitting [ 0/10 ]
Herbal [ 0/10 ]

Father : Jaycall : grey and white tom
Mother : Tempestwing : grey spotted tabby molly

Sister : Pebblekit > grey spotted tabby molly with a white paw

Son : Sootscorch : black smoke tom with white
Son : Flurryfox : bicolour grey tom
Son : Squallshadow : bicolour grey spotted tabby tom
Daughter : Driftwood : black classic tabby molly
Son : Blizardshroud : black van tom

Mate : n/a
Previous mates : n/a
Romantic interests : n/a
Looking for : Longterm

Likes in a potential mate :

Disikes in a potential mate :

Interested in kits : yes
Preferred family size : average


Kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] :Rainkit and Pebblekit were born to Tempestwing and Jaycall. Tempestwing was a strict senior warrior looking for an heir, and Jaycall was willing to provide that. There was no love between them, it was a strictly practical relationship.

Pebblekit was born sickly, and passed away only a few days after birth. Tempestwing was disappointed, but not truly devastated, as she had never gotten to know the kit, and she still had one kit left to mold into the perfect heir. Rainkit.

Rainkit was raised under Tempestwing's strict guidance. While she was not explicitly trained to hunt and fight, her mother did often give her little extra lessons. Rainkit learned the hunting crouch early, as well as several agility skills under Tempestwing's strict, careful eyes. Her mother told her that it was extra special secret training, to make her the best warrior that HailClan would ever see. Rainkit was determined to make her mother proud one day.

Apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] :Rainkit became Rainpaw, and was assigned to Violetheart's tutelage. Violetheart was just as harsh and unforgiving as Tempestwing had been, and Rainpaw thrived. This was where she truly got to hone her skills. Violetheart was pleasantly surprised by her new apprentice's starting competence, and vowed to help Rainpaw reach her full potential.

Rainpaw worked hard still, pushing herself to her body's limits. But Violetheart was proud of her when she did so, and that was what mattered. And whenever she spoke to her mother, Tempestwing was proud too! Rainpaw was thrilled to be what everyone else wanted her to be. The praise felt good.

However, turmoil came to pass soon. Kitestar was killed, no, murdered, via a deathberry laced rabbit. Swanstar came to power afterwards. Rainpaw was shocked; who would murder Kitestar? He had been good to them, had he not? She made it her personal mission to discover Kitestar's murderer, though she was never successful. Whoever it had been had covered their tracks.

For a while, life almost seemed normal... until Swanstar was poisoned too, and left in a coma. Well, no one knew for sure that he was poisoned, but Rainpaw thought that it was too coincidental to be anything else. That left Robinear to step up as leader.

Robinear made bad calls, leaving the clan in political unrest. Things only got worse when Dovefire, Swanstar's mate, was found dead by the rocks, with clear signs of struggle. There was a murderer within their clan, and everyone knew it. Whispers of spies spread across the clan.

Warriorhood [ 12 - 26 moons ] :As one of Robinear's last calls as leader, Rainpaw was made into a warrior and named Rainstone.

And then, Robinear exiled Pigeoncall. The clan shattered in the wake of this call, ceasing to exist at all. Rainstone didn't know what to do with herself, so she just... followed some of her clanmates. She hid out in CloudClan.

Soon, Orchidfrost showed up in CloudClan with Swanstar for continued treatment. Secretly, Rainstone was very worried about HailClan's future if the white tom didn't wake up. Luckily, he recovered!

...Only to be murdered a small few days later. It made Rainstone very, very twitchy. Would she be next? It was imperative that they catch the spies within their clan.

Sometime later, Swanstar's murderer was discovered: Rippletide. And just as Rainstone had come to suspect, Robinear had been her cohort. For some reason, Rippletide was kept. Rainstone hated it. She'd never feel safe as long as there was a killer in her midst.

In the meantime, though, Rainstone was devoid of purpose and had the time to question herself. She decided that although she was a molly, he/him pronouns fit him better.

He was relieved when Salmonflight reunited HailClan and became Salmonstar, giving Rainstone purpose again and leading the clan into a new era. Since then, Rainstone has settled back into his routine. He was the perfect HailClan warrior, and he was just waiting for recognition.

One day, Harenose came skidding into camp, yowling about an avalanche and a trapped patrol. Spurred into action, Rainstone joined him to save his trapped clanmates. Most made it out alive, but one cat's life was lost. Rootsun. He was upset to have been too slow to save the older calico molly.

All these incidents had made Rainstone think about the true fragility of life. At any time, he could perish, and end his bloodline. He couldn't let that happen. He was young, yes, but he was mature for a cat his age. He could surely raise a litter of kits, and he would. From there on, it was easy to pick a willing rogue donor, and be on his way with his pregnancy.

Queenship [ 26 - present moons ] :Once he was confirmed pregnant, Rainstone was moved into the nursery with Lynxpatch, Lilacpool, Bliss and Fawnpatch. Lynxpatch and Lilacpool were experienced, elderly queens, while Bliss and Fawnpatch had already had their litters, so Rainstone had ample support going into becoming a parent.

Eventually, Rainstone gave birth to five kits; a stark departure from his status as an only kit. He named them Sootkit, Squallkit, Flurrykit, Driftkit and Blizzardkit. They were so small and fragile. Rainstone loved them immediately. Of course, he'd always push them to do their best and to reach their full potential, but he would be their mother, too.

It was later discovered that her son, Sootkit, was almost completely deaf. While Rainstone had known the basic, useful parts of sign language, things like "mouse there" or "follow me" or "be quiet" already, he dedicated himself to learning it more fully. On top of that, he made sure to teach his kits how to speak it too so that communication would never have to be difficult for Sootkit.

code by jiko