Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


This profile contains characters who hold sensitive content. Please read the following warnings + warnings placed on specific characters carefully. Reader discretion is advised.

Please Do Not

  • Ask to buy/trade any oc design that isn't marked as up for adoption.
  • Make any NSFW fanart without my permission (Regular fanart is ok!)
  • Copy/steal my designs
  • Use my ocs as your own
  • As a grooming survivor I don't take the topic very lightly so don't come at me with any kid/adult romance overall please.
  • I'm extremely selective with shipping my ocs with others ocs', so don't explode on me if I say no.

Content Warnings

  • 2 characters based on my experiences with predatory men. (They have big warnings on their profiles so you'll know)
  • Blood/Violence including death of family
  • Content dealing with abuse/mental illness, including implications of suicidal thought.
  • Some NSFW, albeit it is properly flagged.
  • A team of characters meant to parody and vent the bigoted nature of the wider DB fanbase that include the characters based on predatory men. This team includes a character that is meant to vent about the transphobia and homophobia I've witnessed and faced. Proper warnings are on their profiles.
  • A character blatantly stated to have been a cannibal.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

This character is a whole cannibal so please proceed with caution

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