Fuyuko Yukikago



7 years, 4 months ago


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Come back Soon for the NEW LOOK!!"

❄ ~ General STUFF ~ ❄

Name - Fuyuko Yukikago
Yokai- Yuki-onna (雪女)
Sex - Female
Orientation - Bisexual
Hobbies - Gardening, ice sculpting, knitting, snowman building, baking, scrapbooking
Personality - Cheery, motherly, nurturing, very social, excitable, beyond loving, easily impressionable, can be clingy
Abilities - Snow & ice materialization / manipulation, temperature change, can withstand sub-zero climates, intangibility
Height - 8 feet
Weight - Weightless
Birthday - February 3rd

✿ ~ Overview ~ ✿

❄ ~ Yes yes YES!! ~ ❄

Cherry Blossoms
Ice Sculpting
Love stories
Parties & festivals
Group photos
String instruments
The color pink
Cicadas, birds, & frogs (animals that sing for the world)
Spring and Summer

✿ ~ No no NO!! ~ ✿

Scary stories
Mistreatment of others
Ice and Snow
Bad manners
Her insecurity
Spiders (very arachnophobic) 
Sight of blood
  Frozen vegetables
The color blue

❄ ~ Inspiration ~ ❄

Fuyuko is based off the legends of the Yuki-onna, which translates to snow woman. A very old Yokai, Yuki-onna have seen many different iterations throughout generations. Stories of them have varied from cold violent monsters, to more tragic figures. The intent behind Fuyuko was to combine both takes on the legend, showing how much an immortal being can change throughout the ages due to the way others treat them, and serves as an explanation for why stories about them can change throughout time as well. Most Yokai in Yokai Love You! explore modernity's affect on their way of life, but Fuyuko's is the most long-term case of it.

Much of Fuyuko's life events are parallels to existing Yuki-onna fables. Her love of children for example, as even in some of the most terrifying Yuki-onna fables, they seem to have a soft spot for kids. Another is her being Takeshi's lover. Interspecies relationships and sex is a recurring concept which served as the foundation of her bond with Takeshi. She was written to be an antithesis to Jinny in that regard. Jinny shows the positive influence a person can have in someone's life, as shown through her budding romance with Ken throughout the series. Takeshi and Fuyuko's relationship is meant to be the extreme opposite of that same concept. While Jinny and Ken were written to be the shining example of a happy healthy couple, Fuyuko and Takeshi are the absolute worst example of an abusive relationship you can find.

A good deal of Fuyuko's habits or personality traits are meant to be inversions of common Yuki-onna tropes as well. Her absolute hatred of snow and cold places for one, in addition to her love of summer and spring elements. Fuyuko is not a snow ghost by choice, but by her feeling isolated. The idea behind her physical changes (blue / pink) were created the very day Fuyuko was conceptualized, and are directly tied to her mental state. The kanji on her mask changes depending on her current form. The blue being a kanji for cold, and the pink a kanji for warmth.

✿ ~ Relationships ~ ✿

1501001?Yasu Jorōro -