Castel Twins



Name: Aiden & Jayden Castel (AJ)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
S/O: Homosexual
Nationality: British/Italian
Extra Info:

->They're smokers (of the cigarettes not the devil lettuce)
->Also they're pretty rude to strangers lbr

->Its cuz they're rich boys
->They have BPD (bipolar) & separation anxiety
->Their dad is a sad closet gay bean and it affects them lowkey
->They're musical prodigies (i.e. have great voices, can play a range of instruments, learning music is second nature to them)
->They're extremely close to one another due to childhood and pretty much act the same (slight differences b/w the two)
->They're only bestest of all friends is Kenna
->They're lowkey hate-dating the walking trashbag named Xander