Quinn Yellowleaf



3 years, 9 months ago


Quinn Yellowleaf
South Asian
Chaotic Neutral


Crazy Bitch

Quinn is an eccentric trainer that explores the Hoenn region and participates in various compititions for money. Though most are battle-orieted competitions, she's also participated in beauty contexts with her pokemon for fun. She also "works" with team Magma and Aqua frequently.

They come off as a somewhat arrogant individual, but it's not a completely unfounded attitude. They're well known in competitive battling circuits as a menace and someone to watch out for. Besides, the only reason Quinn acts as such is to rile up other trainers, and catch them slipping up. Quinn's an outspoken individual, if to a fault: most people are weirded out by them, so Quinn ends up sticking to themselves. They only act as such because they love larning about other people and their pokemon. Tries to come off as intimidating and mostly succeeds, until you realize they're a mess. Has a poor tendency to deflect and bury their emotions until it's too much, and ends up blowing up.

Otherwise, Quinn's very passionate about training and exploration and discovery to a fault. She doensn't really have any friends as she'll either keep to herself or creep someone out. Likes keeping notes on people of interest, but doesn't stalk them. Part of her passion with training is noting how others get along with their pokemon and how it affect their battle outcomes. Dreams to oneday go pro in compettiive battling explore the other regions, although Quinn won't be comfortable with the ladder goal for a while.


  • sweets
  • exploration
  • steampunk
  • training


  • lightning
  • Steven
  • bright lights
  • any extreme weather
"Haha! I win, you lose! Get cuc- Hey! what do you mean I can't say that?"


Quinn's parents were a team Magma and Aqua grunt respectively. they both died when Quinn was young so they ended up being raised in between the two teams and the bases. They spend most of their time training their pokemon, exploring the region and participating in different competitions to earn money. Though they are not legally contracted to either of the teams, Maxie and Archie often call them in for more difficult missions. Quinn was essentially a part of both of the teams prior to Kyogre and Groudon's revival.

Story/Important Events

Despite the early tragedy, Quinn had a good childhood. They didn't have anything close to a nuclear family structure, but with the support of Maxie and Archie, the team admins, and all of the grunts, Quinn had an abundance of people to look after them.

However, growing up under boarderline terrorist organizations led Quinn to holding a lot of extremist beliefs. Of course, Quinn routinely questioned thwse beliefs, but it was difficult when to some extent, they made sense (global warming, climate change). Still, Quinn didn't care enough about it, content to just do their own thing as they grew older and occasionally help the teams.

However, Kyogre and Groudon's revivial completely flipped Quinn's beliefs over. Seeing the team leaders grow evil and destructive in their pursuit of a "perfect" world, Quinn realized the horrible reality. At that point, it was too late to stop them. Quinn was in the cave when it all went down, so they got hurt, and nearly crushed by rocks before they narrowly escaped. They ended up running away for the next few weeks, jumping from camping to various towns in the mainland until it was all over. Quinn kept contact with the admins, but still couldn't bring themselves to resume their life as it had been before.

Quinn had grown up hating Steven for what propaganda they'd consumed, but after seeing who he was, Quinn was even more conflicted over him. They couldn't bring themselves to directly confront him for a while, trying to cope with the reality that he wasn't nearly as bad as he'd been made out to be, but still had major flaws (who lets a pair of teenagers taken down not one, but two terrorist organizations?). Following house arrest and court mandated therapy, Quinn has started talking to the leaders again, but can't forgive them yet.

Quinn's still living their life as normal as possible, trying to work up the courage to face Steven and officially finish their trainer journey. They've been overloadinng themselves with work to distract from the glaring issue, but between their friends and Wallace, they'll have to confront Steven soon.


• Quinn has tattoos of the team magma and aqua logos on their right and left shoulders.

• Has short, wavy hair

• Pierced ears, wears mega stone on right ear

• Loves wearing mascara

• Often wears combat boots or just really fluffy socks regardless of their outfit

• Quinn has their normal clothing style, but sometimes wears a special team magma or aqua outfit depending on the situation

• Quinn has two scars trailing over her left eye.

• Almost always covers her left eye somehow.

• Eyes are a dark olive color

• Quinns left eye is almost always unfocused and squinted (b/c light)


• Art on left is by Anxious_Witch <3

• Likes keeping notes on people of interest they meet

• Quinn always tries to incorporate something steampunk related in their outfit.

• Quinn is nearly blind in their left eye due to never getting proper medical attention. They wear the goggles despite the fact they pretty much ruined their vision (since it has tinted lenses), and now can't be in bright areas without the goggle otherwise they'll get headaches from the light.



Oliver || Friend

Long time friend of Quinn's they met a few years ago, when they were still trying to collect all her gym badges. He tried to attack them while being possessed by Banette. He feels guilty about the incident, but Quinn bothers him so much that the guilt's been replaced by annoyance (and fondness).


Ezra || Friend/Crush

Newfound friend, they met after she spectated one of Quinn's battles. The two became fast friends for their bluntness and fascination with pokemon. Quinn ended up falling for her soft yet authoritive personality and demeanor.




Sylveon was Quinn's first Pokémon. They met when Quinn was six and found a girl named Jade with Eevee. The Eevee was badly hurt, and Quinn offered to take Eevee to the Pokémon center for her, and Jade accepts. later on, when Quinn comes back to the same spot to return Eevee, the girl is nowhere to be found. To this day Quinn still hasn't found Jade or find any information about her, or who she was running from.



Quinns "official" starter Pokémon, despite the fact they already had Sylveon (Eevee at this point however). Though Quinn and Swampert don't always get along they have a strong bond between each other.



Quinn found Mawile in a cave when they were twelve. Initially Mawile attacked Quinn, and nearly wiped their entire team. Eevee evolved into Sylveon then and managed to take down Mawile, luckily. Quinn caught the Mawile out of curiosity, but they ended up becoming good friends later on. Mawile's pretty lazy and prefers relaxing to battling.



Gallade evolved from a Ralts that Quinn caught shortly after receiving their now Swampert. Gallade is very social and enjoys being around other Pokémon and people.



Originally a Bagon, Quinn was 11 when she found him meteorite falls by accident. The Bagon attacked her and scratched her eye pretty badly. A team aqua grunt found Quinn and fought off the Bagon for them. afterwards, Quinn decided to catch it because they seemed like a cool Pokémon. Salamence is normally mean and uncooperative with Quinn, but has recently started warming up them to the others. Salamence is the only pokemon with a mega stone, so therefore eh is the only one Quinn can use mega evolution with.



By dumb luck, Quinn encounters a shiny Absol in the wild and catches it because of its unique coloration. Absol was initially very shy to Quinn and their entire team, but has since become more comfortable with them. even so, Absol has a lot of trouble battling in general. Quinn is working with Absol to try and achieve mega evolution.

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