


3 years, 10 months ago


> Any Pronouns
> Agender
> Martian Cyborg Creature

+ Inquisitive, Careful, Quick learner, Warm
= Literal, Vigilant, Artistic, Quiet
- Reserved, Easily startled, Childish, Hoarder

Eirzai has few to no memories before the day he woke up as a cyborg, making it difficult for them to really pinpoint who they are besides the fact that they woke up in some sort of an unsettling facility, full of scary people they didn't recognize and loud machinery. In their panic, they escaped, stealing a bag of supplies on their way out, and ran away as far as they could, until the organic parts of their body couldn't take it any more and they collapsed in a dusty yet beautiful red landscape. They stayed there, constantly on the watch out for people coming for them until they realized that they were safe, at which point they were truly able to appreciate what was around them. Eirzai rolled onto their belly and sat up, taking in the view around them, the vibrant reds and oranges of Mars' surface and its pastel sky, and felt infinitely more relaxed as they admired it.

For a while, they wandered the desert planet, taking care to avoid any signs of human life that they found, but soon found themself growing lonely. They found some comfort in distracting themselves by drawing in the sand and talking to themself, but it didn't quite help, and the lonelier they got the more they began to wonder and grow fascinated with what they might find off of their own planet. What luck it was when they came across a high tech shuttle, apparently abandoned by whoever had been using it! Eirzai, who now had named themself, choosing to call themself simply by a set of sounds that they found and were particularly fond of, was able to figure out how to fix it and get it to fly again, and with quite a bit of practice, managed to learn how to pilot it without crashing into everything in sight or spinning off into the ether.

They took this opportunity to start exploring their galaxy. At first they started out just barely leaving Mars' atmosphere, looking down at the beautiful planet from above and up at the far-away stars and planets. Then they started to reach out a little more, hesitant at first, making physical contact with other planets and exploring small, abandoned bits and pieces of them. When they finally started to reach out to the various planets' citizens, they avoided Earth at first, having had a gut feeling that it had something to do with where they'd woken up and being more afraid of it than any other place. On their first few attempts, they wimped out quickly, barely able to stand being seen before they had to escape back to their shuttle, but slowly they started to open up, realizing over time that not everyone was as scary as those people they'd seen in the first few moments of their life.

They always come back to their home planet in the end, still, loving Mars the most, as it's a pretty and calming place, and they're pretty sure it was abandoned years ago by those people in the facility. But still they get lonely, so they do their best to reach out through their art and their traveling, learning about the rest of the galaxy and doing their best to learn about themself and overcome their fears as well as they can.