


3 years, 9 months ago



Name Cian ("Si-Anne") Aruna
Rank Corrupted ★★★★
Race Laurelle
Class Combantant
Gender Male
Location Near the Sea
Age 200~
Main Summon Bubble Blower Staff
Height 166cm
Secondary Summon Ocarina
Orientation Pansexual

A social-distancing lost laurelle who hides himself away. He lives quietly, tending to the forest and waters during the day and keeping the sea monsters at bay during the night.


  • The forest, sea, lakes, rivers...nature lol
  • Rain/Storms
  • Helping others
  • Putting on little bubble shows and playing the ocarina (calling all sea creatures--the peaceful ones at least, to his yard 8D)


  • Crowds
  • Confrontations
  • Hurting others
  • Being seen



Overview [Kind / Quiet / Protective]

Living in a warded off area near a village long flooded, the area is known for its turbulent waters and nocturnal sea creatures which he hunts when they get too close. He lives in one of the abandoned houses near the lake.

Despite being an older laurelle, Cian isolated himself when he was quite young, causing him to be none the wiser. He is kind to a fault (type to get scammed easily lol), Cian finds it hard to turn away from those that need help. However, due to his corruption, the help he gives is usually not well-received which ends up with him often “secretly” helping instead. Fading away as soon as he thinks they’re safe.

Around others, he usually has a nervous/shy disposition, prone to stuttering. His anxiety often blows things out of proportion, overthinking until it overwhelms him. Being in close proximity to others makes him anxious and often flinches back when others get too close. He is very much afraid of other's eyes on him and afraid that Nia will attack others if his anxiety becomes stronger, causing him to keep a distance. Physical contact makes his anxiety spike and can make Nia extremely vicious if he's having one of his bad days. He usually does not initiate contact unless the person he's helping needs to be healed. Cian finds it hard to let his guard down and is only comfortable with a few individuals, but even then, he is always slightly on edge.

He lives with survivor’s guilt, ashamed of himself. While he has no prejudice against those with corrupted wreaths, the way his corruption came about eats away at him. He usually has his hood up when he is out and about, in case someone sees him. A relatively peaceful laurelle, Cian prefers to spend his days taking care of the forest and the waters that run near him.

Most of the time, he is left alone. He rarely enters the closest villages for supplies and only does so when necessary (exchanges what he finds for money to buy what he needs). There are people that know of him, but most treat him like a ghost as he rarely appears. But rumours make people curious and there have been a few that have tried to hunt him over the years. He usually tries to scare them off with his summons or even tries to knock them out. To the ones that he does end fighting, he always feels guilty hurting them and makes himself feel worse when he wins, twisting it into how he should have died with his family, but...he’s also too afraid to let go of his life.

His secretive helping typically consists of taking care of monsters, fishing people out of waters or putting laurelles/animals to sleep in his bubbles, tending to their wounds to the best of his ability before leaving them somewhere safe/coincidentally leaving them in sight of passing laurelles. Somehow, children are usually the ones that spot him when he rescues them; he can only put a finger to his lips before disappearing.


- Has a light greek accent
- Favourite past time is out at sea on his sting-ray, playing the ocarina for the dolphins
- Collecting unique ocarinas (y)
- Tends to speed away when he's spotted
- Fights almost recklessly, as if trying purposefully to get injured
- Has quite a few scars on his body
- When fighting stronger monsters, he will throw himself against the monster until the monster is defeated, or Nia forcefully pulls him back



I word vomitted this lol so it's very rough

Residing by the sea, his village often went out fishing in groups. One season, the harvesting season wasn’t very successful, so they started going out further and further to try to get more fish. They found it a bit alarming as the fish they were catching, most of the fish were already ravaged.

Unknown to them, a sea monster had been growing in the bodies of water, slowly gathering its power. A battle was soon ensued and unfortunately, the sea monster’s ability was to curse whatever it stabbed through with its tendrils, cursing the target with a bloodlust so strong, they attacked anything in sight. They managed to weaken the sea monster but too many were infected to continue. He continues fighting but his mother gets cursed, she tells him to eat them, in order to prevent the spread of the curse, save the village. They have no hope of making it back.

Cian refuses, he can’t. His mother turns on him, she cries as she tries to loosen her hold on him. His friend’s father cut her down with heavy eyes. They are closing in on them, his beloved's (at the time) father looks at him. He smiles sadly, he tells him to consume them and to give his son a farewell.

And that he does, his summons sweep the ship, consuming all those infected. He can see his father’s white hair amongst the infected and he covers his eyes, tears falling. His dolphins pulse black as they absorb the curse before morphing together to form a blue whale. The whale crashes against the sea monster, devouring the dark energy emanating from the sea monster, eventually eating it all together. The whale melts as he loses consciousness and the waves crash into the boat, splitting it and sweeping him off the boat.

He is eventually found washed ashore, the village is initially heartbroken over the loss but sympathetic towards him. But slowly, the survivors start recalling the way his summon had eaten and absorbed the cursed villagers. They begin to avoid him, calling him back luck and even blaming him for their loss. They called his summon corrupted, how the unnaturalness of it had caused the wrath of the sea. It was only natural for his wreath to follow, they had whispered. And it followed, his wreath crippled under the guilt.

The head of the village had been a good friend of his father. Despite being corrupted, the head still came to visit him, bringing food and supplies. However, there wasn’t much he could do against the turning sentiment, the blaming of every misfortune on him.

Nia begins to react to Cian's feelings, becoming agitated when he is anxious. It was as if the more Cian withdrew into himself, the more Nia became sentient. A confrontation happens and Nia bursts out from Cian, baring its unnatural void inside its spike-filled mouth. He tries to apologize but it’s too late, the head is sympathetic but tells him it’ll be for the best for him to leave. The head suggests he go to the island of the corrupted but he’s scared. He doesn’t want to leave the Isle. Instead, he travels out. He eventually finds an abandoned village near the sea. While there are still travellers that come to fish or sightsee, no one ever stays for fear of flooding from the turbulent waters and the nocturnal sea monsters that come alive during the night.

"The grief in Callan's eyes...I knew what they were saying. He was right. They were all right."



- Summons almost transparent (bubble-esque) sea creatures from his staff
- Only their outline is visible with a floating skeleton inside
- His main is a sentient dolphin named Nia
- He usually has dolphins, rays and koi/random fish (he can morph them together to form bigger creatures)
- Summons without skeletons are weaker and are mostly for prying or his own enjoyment
- His smaller summons do a lot of menial tasks (Y)
- When attacking, his summons use their mouths; however instead of a normal mouth, when they open, the slit of the opening will go further down their body, revealing a void inside, full of spikes
- Summons can eat through any kind of magical/physical assaults. They can even absorb curses within themselves, empowering themselves with it. By consuming life/power, it can temporarily grant them a boost of power.
- Summons can neutralize curses' side effects for a short period of time by "eating" the effects (consumes a lot of energy, so he can't keep it up)


- He can use his bubbles to feel out an area; lets it stream from his staff (kind of just float around in a general direction)
- Barrier-like qualities, mostly used to keep out water (ie. breathing/chilling underwater, protection against floods) & sometimes used to contain/restrain
- His bubbles have healing properties but it is more like an incubation where the body or body part can be kept in stasis. The body’s natural healing abilities are boosted inside the bubble, but it cannot do things like reattach a leg or magically heal disease (it can aid in the healing but that’s it).
- Bubble naturally puts people to sleep during its healing process (the effectiveness might depend on power level, but Cian can inject more of his energy to increase the "dosage")
- Can be used to transport objects or people/animals


- Staff can expell/call water within a radius around him
- Infinite bubble-creating soap (Y)

- Calms and can beckon sea creatures to his call
- Can change shape/colour (his favourite is its dolphin form)
- Doesn't really do much with it lol (mainly for his own little concerts with the sea-life)


- His summons are almost sentient (the give playful nudges kind), with his main dolphin called Nia being the most prominent, almost seems like it has a mind of its own
- than dolphin lol
- The only one that can summon itself; due to being attacked over the years when he was younger and weaker, Nia is fiercely protective of him and will manifest the moment Cian is too anxious/startled/frightened
- While she doesn’t immediately attack the opposition; she will react instantly if the opponent makes a threatening move.
- While he is grateful for Nia and feels safe with it by his side; he is also afraid of it hurting others to protect him
- Perhaps by learning to accept himself, Nia will “let him go” as of right now, it almost seems like Nia doesn’t trust him to protect/judge for himself

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