Waverly Trousdale



7 years, 3 months ago


Shy ghost girl who's best friend is a demon!

Timid, hates cofrontation, and will tell small untruths if it means avoiding hurting the feelings of others. The friend who is most likely to be thirty minutes late because she was holding the door for strangers in a crowded place and didn't want to let go of the door on any of them.

She is always making an effort to accommodate the needs and preferences of others.

Mild in tone and temperament, Waverly is a sensitive spirit who strives to reduce the troubles of the world by not contributing to them. Reserved, shy, and painfully polite, she does her utmost to please friends and strangers alike.

Waverly prefers to tell flattering lies if it means sparing her friends from harsh truths. She is not comfortable correcting others, and is even less comfortable with potentially hurting their feelings, and so she will approve of things regardless of how worthy of approval they are. For those who crave an ego boost, Waverly is a convenient companion, praising their every accomplishment and preference and feeding them the confidence they need. For those who seek honest assessments or feedback, however, she is a source of misgiving and even frustration. Her opinion is so scarcely stated that some have given up on asking for it entirely.

Even the soft-spoken Waverly has her limits, however. She is quick to feel lonely or disposable, which is the root of her need to make others happy even if it puts her at a disadvantage. She may not admit to feeling uncomfortable, but she can't deny her own feeling, and will gradually remove herself from interactions that make her uncomfortable, hoping her absence will go unnoticed.

♡ Has become even more clumsy in death than she was in life. Before attaining her solid spectral form, she could phase through objects. Now she occasionally forgets she can’t anymore and will subconsciously try to walk through tables or move through people. These blunders embarrass her greatly.
♡ Likes company even when running basic errands.
♡ Will feel personally hurt if you've made plans without her in them.
♡ When grocery shopping, she will always buy the first fruit or vegetable she picked up, even if it’s bruised. Otherwise she feels guilty for picking another over it.
♡ Her favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake.
♡ Used to carry stuffed animals everywhere up until she was eleven years old. She may no longer tote them around out of the house, but there are always some waiting for her back at home.
♡ Though not always optimal, she prefers baths to showers.
♡ Attributes her ideas to made up people so that, in case her thoughts are received poorly, she doesn’t have to shoulder the criticism.
♡ Doesn’t like popcorn, but has eaten it many, many times because her friends made or bought it for her and she didn’t want to hurt their feelings.
♡ Suggestive humor makes her immensely uncomfortable. Purely platonic flirting, however, is tolerable.
♡ Was once thirty minutes late because she was holding the door for strangers in a crowded place and didn’t want to let it go on any of them.

Waverly is exceedingly apologizing for things both in and out of her control. If a problem arises, she holds herself accountable for not diffusing it. If a friend is having a rough day, she'll apologize for not being able to make it better. She can be penitent to the point of inducing emotional exhaust in others, and that's only when she FEELS guilty. In the case that she were to make a mistake,


temporary outfit ref;;