
SPECIES - Saber Warrior Dog
RACE - Monotone, Star Mark, Teckle
AGE - Adult
BIRTH PLACE - Golden-Star
CURRENT PLACE - NeoPaneruga, Among the Palace
CONTRIBUTION - Gold-Silver-Patrol, Hunter, Elemental Warrior
SPECIAL ABILITY - Fighting as Saber Warrior, Element Control: Flora
MATE - Zara

3995825_ndqcOhTnVYLIBt6.png?15216286892790181_tXdihK3o61sxFKv.png(artwork by Ninchiru)


Chapter 2

When Marlin shows Katinka around, they meet Tiffany´s pack. Milo is part of it. He is swooning over Tiffany and compliments her hunting skills.
unknown.pngTiffany points out that their success wasn´t that great. Milo promises to improve himself.
When Tiffany says Katinka looks like Silver, he asks how she can compare a puny kitty to Silver. Marlin snaps at him for that and we learn he is Prince of Golden-Star.
He then apologizes to Katinka.

Tiffany introduces him as the worst cadet she ever dared to train.

When King Yarill  compliments him and the pack for the hunt, Tiffany throws in that he didn´t had to do much of it but then she realizes it hurt him so corrects her statement with "..he is clumsy but still usefull."

Chapter 3

Milo is seen hunting a fish in a pool. Katinka and Marlin are meeting him and he tells them, he is hunting for Tiffany. Marlin tells him not to hunt for him for his own good but Milo says, she didn´t get anything for herself after the hunt.

After the gathering he visits Tiffany, who is with the Orakuhs in her den, to gift the fish to her.
Tiffany gets very angry about that cause he should use his free time rather to hunt for the folk of Golden-Star that can´t hunt for themselves.


He understands and is very sorry to have offended her that way.

He is part of the gathering on which Tiffany reports she found two lost orakuhs. She is not seen on the comic panels but in a re-draw of that scene.
The fish ends up being a gift for Strawberry, who just became mother. Tiffany praises him for this decision.

Katinka follows Milo to the den of the cadets to spend the night there.

When some cadets come in late, he wakes up and asks them if they wouldn´t rather sleep, since it´s pretty late.
unknown.pngHe also tells the other cadets that Katinka just learned about Silver´s fate.

When Katinka tells them about Ludwig, the Commander of Silver-Star, Milo says Ludwig is well known on Golden-Star cause he often joined gatherings when portals still opened between the planets.
In Tiffany´s nightmare he is calling for her, informing her about the Cybaxians attacking Golden-Star.

In the morning, when Marlin howls for a patrol meeting, he explains the meaning of the howling to Katinka. They join the meeting outside of the underground.

He first is a little upset and angry that Marlin wouldn´t want him to be part of the patrol to Cybaxie
unknown.pngWhile he is not chosen to join them, he is chosen to cover for Marlin as Commander while he is gone.
After Marlin talks to him, he realizes the responsibilites that Marlin gave him.
Zara and Milo are both depressed cause both their curshes (Marlin and Tiffany) would go on this journey together while they, Zara and Milo, would stay home.
Chapter 4

Luhra sees Milo leading a hunting patrol through the Outside-Eye.

Chapter 9

Milo tells his parents that Marlin left with Gina and some others of the Golden-Patrol to head for Cybaxie.
unknown.pngHe thanks Zara to join him and agrees to her that Twister would make a good hunting leader.

Chapter 24

Milo brings Redtail and Barkx to his parents so they can tell them that the patrol is on Planet Genesis now.
Afterwards he plans to order the Mole to dig more caves for the newcomers.
Tikali and Siegfried appear to report they found a track. Milo asks them to show him the way.
He thinks they found an orakuh.

Chapter 25

He brings Norell, the Orakuh his patrol found, to his parents so he can tell how he was able to escape.
unknown.pngWhen Norell mentions the Collar of Destruction, Milo wonders if this isn´t one of the collars from the legend.

Chapter 26

He is on a hunting patrol.

Chapter 29

Milo is seen offering herbs to Norell so he can easier fall asleep. Then he gets told that griffians arrived on Golden-Star. They also meet Luhra and Muhrai, Norell´s little siblings who led the griffins there.