Aina Ayumu



3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Aina Ayumu

Blank period: 5-6
Naruto: 18-19
Shippuden: 21-22
Boruto: 36-37

Gender: female

Sexual orientation: pansexual

Heigth: 1m50 / 4ft 11

Birthday: 10th December 

Specialization: Kekkei Genkai 

Village: Amegakure

Chakra nature: wind


Aina Ayumu was born into a large clan in Amegakure. She has two older brothers and a ton of uncles, aunts and cousins. Her brothers often teased her and challenged her. Kenshin is about 5 years older, and Daiki is 2 years older. Both of them are very advanced for their ages which gave Aina a lot to live up to.
Aina is part of a clan called the Ayumu clan (or walking vision), the Ayumu clan has a special kekkei genkai that allows them to go ‘ghost mode’, this kekkei genkai is called ‘Yūrei’, when using their kekkei genkai they can practically become ghosts. They are able to pass through walls/jutsu’s. However they cannot hold this for long as it eats away at their chakra. The more someone trains the beter they are at balancing their chakra and holding ghost mode for longer. It takes an incredible amount of training to fully master the kekkei genkai, and to this day there are only 3 people known to be able to use it for more than 20 minutes.
The kekkei genkai can also be used in a lighter version, where it can only be used to phase through stuff, this is often used for spying as they cannot let their full body through. When phasing through their body will appear almost smoke-like.
In the academy Aina was often compared to her two prodigy brothers, this led her to want to distance herself from them, to let people know she is herself and not a replica of her brothers. She became the class clown, often pulling pranks, resulting in her often clashing with her teacher. However Aina never got into any trouble, as she is extremely innovative and found ways to thread the line enough for her not to be able to get in any trouble, yet to still stand out. This often enraged her parents, and she got into a lot of arguments with them. This led her to become extremely argumentative, finding ways to argue about anything and everything while also always wanting to have the last word. She can often be seen as cruel and barbaric by others because of her need to lash out and be different from her family. She is also very destructive and often takes her anger out on objects.
Aina’s wish is to become a respected jonin as fast as she could and be able to live on her own. By the age of 18 Aina got an apartment all by herself and is still determined to stand out from her clan in any way possible. 

Humorous, innovative, neat,  argumentative, barbaric, destructive

Weapons: standard weapons, stake

Strength(s): Aina has a very good sense of humor, she is extremely innovative and tries to find solutions for every situation, she is extremely neat  

Weakness(s): Always needs to have the last word, in sticky situations she will often come up with the most barbaric solutions, often breakings things even when she does not mean it

Family: Tsubasa Ayumu (mother), Rikuto Ayumu (father), Kenshin Ayumu (older brother), Daiki Ayumu (older brother), loads of aunts, uncles & cousins

Friends/relationships: TBA