Never thought I'd see another Saints Row OC on here! She's so cool and I'm glad that there are other Saints Row fans on here!

wooow ive never seen an sr oc on here. i was debating putting my own boss zoe on here some day lol. awesome character!

There’s surprisingly a lot when I checked out the tag for it lmao just not as shown around here I guess? Ayyyyy I always encourage more SR OCS!!!!! It’s such a fun and wacky fandom!!! Maybe I’ll see them one day haha

Asdfghjkydi thank you so much!!!!!

I REALLY love how beautiful and beautiful elaborate Princess is. I truly feel like she is a character in the game with how descriptive you are with her relationship to the Saints and even her own missions!

Makes me want to create one of my own. I just love the Saints Row franchise xD

HOLY SHIT I JUST WOKE UP TO THIS AND IM SO FLATTERED????? Thank you so much SJDNFKLDKS I’m like hyperfixating on her so bad right now lmao it makes me feel so validated to know that you think she feels like a legit character!!!!

I’m always an advocate for making SR ocs!!!! It’s such a fun and limitless franchise imo, almost anything can go and it doesn’t need a super complicated explanation!!! I love the freedom we are given to play around with that world haha <3

Thank you so much for your comment, it certainly made my day and it hasn’t even began yet haha