


3 years, 10 months ago


Kentara . 23yrs . Lizard (??) human mix . Cis Woman . She/Her . 5'2 . Birthplace unknown . Lives in an apartment on her own in LA . Family unknown (orphaned) . anxiety

Kentara is a timid, paranoid person but is very sweet generally. She wears bandages over her eyes (that match the ones over her body) to avoid making raw eye contact with anyone, as she has a 'medusa' condition, and when she looks people in the eyes they turn to liquid (unknown). This liquid is manipulable by her, as she can separate it from other liquids, make it fly in streams, etc. the reason for this liquid is her thirst, one seen as almost unquenchable. instead of growing hungry, she ends up unbearably thirsty, needing the liquid composed of the person it was before. water or any other liquids dont work the same (she can drink them but they dont effect her) so this is her way of keeping alive. this process causes her to need to lure people in and look at them where they wont be seen, as she could easily go to jail or be taken away for her ability and the amount of people who have fallen victim to her. she tries only to go after others who are 'bad' , people she finds at night doing bad things such as harassing people, hurting mugging, or doing anything else generally that can be seen as punishable. the downside to this is that the liquid's flavor is dependent on the personality of the person (and sometimes medical conditions.)

The only way for her to truly stop depending on taking lives just to live is to find her soulmate, but that soulmate has to be consumed as well.

in the future or her story, later in life she finally finds her soulmate, and ends up having to painfully end them and live on, but later after a couple months f depression she realises that shes poly, and doesnt have only one soulmate. she ends up falling in love again with a zombie names nakka, and as shes a zombie, she ends up being unaffected by Kentara's eyes, finally giving kentara someone to love and look in the eyes lovingly. even later on they gain another lover.