


3 years, 9 months ago


Miss Aurelia

Name  Aurelia
Nickname Aurie, Rory
Age  20
Sexuality Bisexual
Gender  Female (she/her)
Race  Dainty
Height  162cm / 5’4”
Dictionary # #4815
Role  Noble Daughter
Build Lean
Theme TBA
Owner  Shae
Designer tsuqinoa
CSS Eggy

Aurelia is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. She has such a kind, friendly, and all around good vibe to her. She's from a high class family, but when she's out and about she definitely doesn't make that known. Being in a high class family such as hers, there's always been expectations for her. Despite not being her biological family, they still raise her as their own and expect her to inherit the family businesses and wealth. Aurelia doesn't want to be known for her money, hence why shes so naturally sweet and caring. She wants people to like her for who she is and not her monetary value. 

In her free time, Aurelia has a few different hobbies. She stays outdoors a lot, and enjoys helping the people she sees in whatever way she can. She also goes to her regular boba shop to get boba tea every morning. She also loves going clothes shopping!




Cute Clothes


Helping People

Boba Tea

Small Animals

Fruity Candies

The Outdoors


Too Much Studying

Being Used For Money

Creepy Crawly Bugs



Chocolate (Allergic)


The best way to describe Aurelia is that she is very outgoing and extroverted. People see her as peppy, but also has a mature aura to her. There's no doubt in any of these statements, it describes her perfectly! While she loves being seen as mature and reliable, she also has a childish side to her where she can be pretty goofy and funny.


Being in a high class family means a lot of studying and school work. Aurelia always studies hard, but she would easily get burnt out. At times like these she would sneak out to go play outside with her friends! It stayed this same way until she finished school. Being so extroverted, she didn't want to be stuck at a desk. She always wanted to be with friends, go shopping, or just play with some animals! Aurelia is still a bit like this, but now that she's an adult, she has started working a lot harder for her family. She still enjoys her time to the fullest though!


Aurelia was adopted into her family only days after she was born. She never knew her biological parents, but she didn't mind since she loved her family anyways! Starting from when she was only one, Aurelia had a little baby friend, named Evon. These two grew up together, even though Evon never really opened up to her. That's okay! Aurelia would always talk enough for the both of them. When Evon did speak p it was always to say something sassy which made her laugh. They learned early on that their parents had assigned a marriage between them. Aurelia didn't have any issues with it, especially since they were both dainties in a world where dainties aren't normally welcomed. Evon never stated his true feelings about it to her... Life goes on and when Aurelia was 17, Evon suddenly disappeared. It broke her heart for a while. Her best friend was suddenly gone. It took a few months for her to get out of her depressed state and back to normal.


Because of her great intuition, she was at the right place at the right time. She met up with her friend one day, but felt that something was off... She felt a pair of eyes starting at them. With her natural spy skills, she was able to find the location of where the stares were coming from! In an abandoned alley way, she couldn't make out the face... She got closer, she wasn't scared, she knew martial arts! She finally got close enough to make out the facial features, "It's you!!!" She was so happy. It was Evon! Her childhood friend who disappeared just a few years ago! Without any hesitation, she jumped at him. She was just so happy to see him again.


Boba Loving




"Would you like some help? How about we go get some ice cream~!"


  • The ribbon on her leg is removable/changeable!

  • Has a rose shaped marking on her tail.

  • Enjoys teasing Evon all the time~

  • Will wear Anything thats cute!

  • Loves doing her hair, straight or two braids are her favorite.

  • Likes being treated by others~

  • Was adopted into her family, her parents are human.

  • Has extremely rare blood. Can cure incurable diseases, has been targeted for it.

  • She drinks boba tea literally every single day.

  • Loves socializing, but worried about being different because she's a dainty.

  • Has really great natural spy skills and intuition

  • Secretly has a plushie collection




[ childhood friend/fiance ]

From infants to age 17, Evon was Aurelia's best friend. He was very reserved, but Aurelia always loved talking to him, he's such a good listener! When he ran away, she was devastated... They day they met again was the happiest day of her life, or was it...?



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.