


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Alice

Gender: F

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sly, sneaky, loyal, caring, bossy, stubbor

Backstory: Alice was not her mother or fathers favourite of the litter, she did, however, continue to care for her until she aged out to live on her own. Alice's parents were ranked as beta's of the pack with the remainder of the pack below always respecting them. The alpha's pups, however, were everything but respectful toward Alice. They'd pick on her at every passing opportunity. She quickly learnt to shrug it off and continue about her day.

After growing out she left the pack at her own will, to get away from the alpha's offspring. A day after leaving she felt as if somebody was watching her as she sought her own territory. Shrugging it off as she always did, Alice continued on her way. Finding a nice rocky location she proceeded to mark it out, this was to be her new territory.

Settling in for the first night she couldn't sleep for the rattling sound of a drii's tail continuously echoed. Catching a discreet scent of another she stood, her own tail rattling. Shortly after another Drii jumped down from the small shelf above her.

"I see you've discovered your own land." It cackled skulking around her. "Yes and it's mine, you can't have it!" Alice snapped her boney teeth at the drii. "Woah Woah. Calm down there hot shot," it tormented, "My pack and I are in search of a home and were wanting to ask if you'd like to lead alongside myself." The second drii wrapped her skeletal tail around Alice's before rubbing into her like a cat. A little shocked she thought about it for a second before agreeing just as a few more drii's followed her down the shelf. "Pack, meet your second alpha and welcome home." She smiled causing them to erupt with howls of joy.