Mary (Dainty)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

sardiine Global Rules

  1. Purchased designs are non-refundable.

  1. By default, all designs are for personal use only. Commercial usage rights must be purchased.
  2. I retain copyright of all my work, and have the right to display it as part of my portfolio or on social media.
    1. You may not edit or delete my original artwork, however, it can be hidden or moved into a different tab.

  1. Designs cannot be sold/vouchered for more than their total worth.
    1. This includes commissioned artwork and the original sale price. Personal artwork may be included in the total worth, to a reasonable degree.
    2. Trades do not add value.
    3. All potential buyers must be informed of the design’s actual worth.
  2. In the event of a financial emergency, you may accept higher offers. Rule 4.3 still applies.
  3. Do not sell/trade free designs until you have paid for extra art.

  1. You must keep my designs on
    1. Each design must have one(1) profile.
    2. Do not sell/trade to anyone offsite, though I may be able to provide an invite code. This is to prevent scams.
  2. I do not revoke paid designs on any basis, but if you violate my TOS, you will be blocked and blacklisted permanently.
    1. I can revoke free designs, if you refuse to comply with my TOS.

  1. Redesigns cannot alter more than 50% of the original design.
    1. You do not need my permission to turn designs into a CS.
  2. AUs/alternate forms must be sold together with the original design.

  1. You may not feature my designs in artwork that promotes the following: incest, bestiality, pedophilia, any form of hate or marginalized discrimination.
    1. Violation of this will result in an immediate blacklist.
    2. Please do not use transphobic slurs to refer to my designs/characters. If you are unclear on what this entails, please ask.

If you have any questions, please contact me! I will not apply any other restrictions to my designs that are not covered by my TOS.