


3 years, 9 months ago


Mochiko is based on the Japanese dessert called dango. I named her mochiko because of the rice flour used to typically make it. I thought it sounded slightly cuter than dango. Plus, maybe I'll just make a series of cats based off the dessert, so it would be awkward to have it named after the whole group of dango cats!

Mochiko aka Mochi is a sweet and playful girl. She barely sits still but sleeps though a night like a rock because of it.

She eats cookies and only cookies. Do not try and feed her fish or any type of typial cat treat. She is fairly partial to other types of desserts, though.

Honestly her design isn't concrete in any way. She can change her form into any breed of cat (including wild cats), add/take away limbs and shift out of her feral form. These shifts keep her general color pallet, but the patterns of her coat can change. Her tail is always the dango.

She isn't really designed to be any particular cat breed right now, I just wanted her to be a cat.