Koi Cookie



3 years, 10 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Koi Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases: None
Title(s): None/tba
Age: 28
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Pansexual (polyamorous)
Species: Mercookie
Birthday: June 25th
Occupation: Yakuza boss
Powers: Transforms into a mercookie in fresh water
Living Family: Bamboo Cookie (husband), Blue Star Lotus Cookie (wife), Asagi Cookie (son), Water Velvet Cookie (daughter), Kohaku Cookie (daughter), Utsuri Cookie (daughter), Stargrass Cookie (son)
Hometown: N/A, was born and raised in a large, secluded mansion
Current Residence: Still lives in the mansion

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'10"
Body: Tan
Hair: Black
Eyes: Orange
Body Type: Athletic, yet sleek.
Distinguishing Marks: A tattoo sleeve of waves and pink flowers down her right arm, and two koi fish forming the yin-yang symbol on her back. She also has two scars on her face (one across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, and one over her left eye) and two additional scars in a X shape on her right thigh.
Left or Right-Handed: Ambidextrous, favors her left hand
Quirks/Habits: Tends to blow smoke in peoples' faces if they're annoying her.
Voice/Voiceclaim: tba, speaks with a bit of a rasp from smoking.

Medical Information

Addictions: Nicotine
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: Strawberry
Disorders: None
Other Notes: None

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: Ja(m)panese, English, conversational Chinese
Positive Traits: Responsible, confident, clever, gentle/nurturing when she wants to be
Neutral Traits: Stoic, stubborn, domineering, blunt, steely
Negative Traits: Callous, ruthless, holds grudges, aggressive
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Letting her family down, betrayal
Secrets: Her mercookie status, along with several other family secrets


General Likes: Playing the shamisen, archery, hanafuda, thunderstorms, fashion, calligraphy, sumi-e painting, alcohol, hot baths in winter, yoga
General Dislikes: Disrespect, threats to her family, wannabe tough guys, police, being underestimated, sake, pretentiousness, cats, dry weather, boredom
Animal: Cranes
Color: Orchid purple
Food: Nikujaga
Drink: Plum wine
Music Genre: Progressive jazz
Season: Summer
Flower: Orchids


Best Friend(s): None/tba
Other Friends: -tba-
Acquaintances: Plum, Peach, Leek
Significant Other(s): Bamboo, Blue Star Lotus
Rivals: None/tba
Enemies: General Jujube
Pets: Kigoi


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Cancer sun, Capricorn moon
Celtic Zodiacs: Oak and Wren
Element: Fire
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Alignment: Lawful Evil


  • One of Koi's parents was a mercookie, while the other was not. Because of this, while she has a mer-form, she can still talk just fine on land. 
  • A majority of Koi's henchmen aren't even cookies; most of them are actually fish creatures. They rarely speak, but when they do, it's garbled words than only Koi can understand. 
  • Koi wields a naginata when she needs to fight. 
  • Orchids are Koi's favorite flower, and flower beds full of them decorate the mansion grounds. 
  • Aside from her spouses and children, the rest of Koi's family dwells in a large, deep pond at the center of the mansion's grounds, in full-on fish form. They can still take the form of cookies just fine, and will return to the surface when they're needed.


Calliope Mori - Off With Their Heads
Kojoe & Mayumi - KING SONG