Alvar Kearney


Basic Info

Full Name:

Alvar Kearney







Australian Shepherd


Though he is still quite young, Alvar has been a warrior for several years and this life has hardened him considerably, he is chivalrous and highly moral, strongly believing in doing the right thing. He has a playful and even jolly side to him underneath the hardened and almost grim warrior exterior and demeanor that he tends to exude. Alvar can be a ladies man, often enjoying flirting with them when he gets a chance too, he can be quite the charmer when he wants to be. He can be hardworking and diligent, though it doesn't always show when he's fooling around and not acting in a manner befitting a warrior.


Won from the SCAA on CS


Ever since Alvar was a little pup, he had wanted to follow in his fathers' pawsteps as part of the royal guard to the High Alphas, but being the seventh and final son born, he had to watch as his older brothers grew up and got into the royal guard before him. He practiced endlessly on his own in preparation for the day when he came of age and the royal guard opened its ranks to new warriors. His first attempt to join was successful, which surprised him considering how many of his brothers before him had had to apply several times before they had finally been accepted. He took to his role immediately and felt immense pride in his work and the importance of his job. He had been a part of the ranks for only a short while before he had met one beautiful sheila who stole his heart and fell madly in love with. It was his longest lasting relationship and they would have gotten married had it not been for the war that soon came and he was called away. As a parting gift for him to remember her by while he was off fighting the war, his beloved presented him with a bandanna which matched the teal highlights in his hair for him to wear around his neck. During that particular war there was a battle that he had been a part of that went too far, and he became displeased with the group he had held in such high honor for so long, so he left.
He went back to his town only to find that it had been ravaged by the war and the female he had fallen in love with had died. His heart broken, he turned away from his home and began travelling alone.
Ashamed to have been a part of the war, he avoids talking about it and has traveled far away from where he grew up and where he used to be a warrior at. He still wears his armor as a constant reminder to himself of what he did and what he now stands for. He hides a distinctive scar on the bridge of his nose that he's had since he was very young under a nose guard to help from getting recognized by those who may know him from when he was a warrior.
These days, he avoids committing his heart to anyone any more, which is why he has become a big flirt with the ladies, making sure that he doesn't get into any serious relationships so as to avoid getting his heartbroken again if she were to be put in danger due to the fact that he is a wanted dog now due to the fact that he deserted. He is very temperamental when it comes to the scarf that he always wears around his neck, he never lets anyone touch it and he never takes it off for anyone or anything.