Jasmine Simone Womble (Subject 4)



1 month, 17 days ago


It is generally understood that somthing went wrong during the process of Jasmine's scan.

The publicly cited reason is her mind was so active during the scan, subsequent confirmation passes significantly increased the 'file size' instead of resolving it, triggering further passes. This reached a point over what the allocated substrate could handle - so the write looped back on itself, in a way that tangled future thoughts in a way that could not be fixed.

Some claimed that lead to an irrational hate.

Others an "ends justify the means" mindset that Jasmine herself persevered as theoretical, while she was acting on it.

It seems that her goal, or thought process, three days after she work up on the ship, was to either destroy or take it over. To what end can only be speculated.

She ultimately died attempting to breech the Short Jump Mass chamber, ripped apart by side-effect magnetic containment. At least, the crew hopes she properly died, and is not still somehow conscious in that state. Going in there with the core present is considered suicide, so nobody is cleaning it up.

Her mental scan has been retained for further long-term study, with no plans on another imprint.

Probably https://youtu.be/LOaZbucj1Fs Was playing in the background while bad things(tm) happened