


4 years, 1 month ago


Marisol is the youngest member of the Leviathan. She is still a young etherean very interested in learning elemental skills. Despite her being an altian and being more naturally skilled in telekinetic powers, she's very interested in certain types of elemental powers as well. Because she is a fast learner and gifted at wielding various powers, she was introduced to Oktober. Oktober saw great potential in her so he took her under his wing. Oktober became a mentor to her and in some ways even a friend. She very much looks up to him and is eager to work alongside him someday. Marisol is a tiny bit different physicaly. Her body type and color palette are common with the exeption of her feathery tail. The tail is not actually a tail, it's a wing anomaly that appears rarely. It's not harmful, on the contrary it can be useful for some skilled flyers who can make it work to their advantage. Marisol is young and inexperienced, but the crew always gives her a chance to prove herself. She likes to feel wanted and needed which can be a positive or a negative. She does a lot for other people's happiness and caters to everyone's needs, but forgets about herself. Arabella, being an arisen etherean thus being inexperienced as well, offers her emotional support a lot. Marisol has quite the mood swings when she either feels like she has it all figured out or she feels completely lost. Marisol connected with Kalisto as well. They both like the fashion on Earth and Kalisto uses Marisol as her personal model, because she's so lanky and tall. Marisol also loves sports, especially mountain climbing and ice skating.