Raleigh Sevaal



3 years, 10 months ago



• Raleigh was the second born of Warqueen Ness
• Like her mother she also picked up on Ragnar whispers to let him out of his prison though she wasn't as affected as her mom
• Taleigh one night heard him wimper though and decided to go down into the catacombs until she stood infront of the giant seald up hole in the middle of a big room
• Raleigh asked how he was doing and the two got into talking from then on Raleigh came down often to talk with him
• She had reachd over the seal rim when she noticed black smoke coming out. Why she did it she can't say. Maybe to somewhat hold his hand?
• Though once her fingers graced the smoke they grabbed onto her arm and didn't let loose until she found herself down in teh dark abyss that was his prison
• She tried to get out though the prison was nothing but endless darkness with eyes watching her and his voice
• Raleigh was at first angry at him though accepted what had happened and slwoly talked to him again
• She hoped to maybe be able to bring him to let her out again though once in, nothing can escape except the prison is opned from the outside
• It was then that he actually showed himself to her and the two made the best out of their situation
• Raleigh often spoke out loud just with her mother in hopes she might hear her
• In the abyss, similar to Ragnar, she had no sense of time so actually she doesn't know if her Mother is still alive
• When the prison was finally opened Raleigh was able to reunite with her mother again and she pleaded with Ragnar to give her something so she could help her mother and her people in this war
• Raleighs wish was granted and she became what he was, a dragon, she tried to save her people though to her horror Ragnar even helped in not even killing of their enemies but also their people as lsowly his darkness corrupted everything
• Raleigh hold a grudge against him though she still is at his side or returns to him
Name Raleigh

Species Allaren

Gender Female
