


4 years, 1 month ago




"Better late than dead."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation Temple King
    • Religion Etheralism
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age Six hundred and nineteen
    • Species Reaper


    Strife is a man with short, tidy black hair and pale skin. He often dresses in a sleeveless shirt that is torn at the bottom, which matches the colour of his dark red eyes. Overtop, he tends to have a black cloak draped over his shoulders, often with the hood pulled over his head to shield his face from others. His trousers are also black, along with his shoes, which have metal parts at the front and back. As a Reaper, Strife was born with a flame-like tattoo over his abdomen, which stretches all the way up his left side, an indication of his strength.


    • BUILD Fit, athletic build

    • FOOD Spicy foods
    • COLOUR Red and black
    • ANIMAL Vultures
    • SETTING The battlefield
    • WEATHER Dry and hot
    • DRINK Tomato juice
    • NUMBER Nine
    • GENRE Horror
    • ACTIVITY Harvesting souls
    • TIME OF DAY Night time


    • Fresh souls
    • Darkness
    • Power


    • Bright lights and flashes
    • Failing a hunt
    • Weakness


    • Hunting
    • Collecting souls
    • Exploring new places

    As a Reaper who deals with the deaths of many people on Aradia, Strife tends to care much more about his soul count rather than those he takes the souls from. He does not really like other people and has little regard for the lives of others. Often, Strife can come across as rude and arrogant, but he is a fiercely powerful being with a determined nature, always striving to succeed. He never settles for anything less. Strife is also a very quick learner, but has a rather short attention span and will often stop listening halfway through conversations.


    • Quick learner
    • Driven/Determined
    • Strong mentally and physically


    • Rude/Arrogant
    • Little regard for others
    • Short attention span


    Before becoming one of the five Temple Kings, Strife had one main goal in life, and that was to grow up in this dangerous world, as many lives end early. Now, as one of the Temple Kings, he has a duty to watch over others and decide who should die and when.


    • Losing his powers
    • Immortal beings


    • Stops paying attention halfway through conversations
    • Often speaks without thinking


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Deadpan, bored tone
    • COMMON STARTER “Let's make this quick.”
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Stops paying attention halfway through conversations
  • Species

    [ Reaper ] Where there are spirits, there are reapers. These beings have been featured in several tales and shows, often portrayed as an undead, skeletal creature, holding a scythe and dressed in robes. They are believed to appear whenever someone dies, supposedly to reap the soul from their body. What happens afterwards may vary from story to story. In reality, Reapers have an appearance similar to humans, able to blend in with flesh and bones. The main difference that sets them apart from regular people is their deep red eyes. Some also have strange markings on their body, tattoos that change depending on the souls they reap. The more souls they collect, the stronger they become. An incredibly powerful Reaper is easily identifiable by their large feathery black and red wings. They also rarely wield a scythe, but some have been known to hold one of they so choose to. Similar to the stories, Reapers will appear the moment a person dies. Unlike the tales, however, they reap the fresh soul, tearing it apart to absorb its power. There is no afterlife for these unfortunate Spirits, only a second, more painful death.


    As a Reaper, Strife was born with a flame-like tattoo over his abdomen, which he covers up underneath his clothes. His tattoo stretches all the way up his left side, an indication of his strength, as he has reaped many souls in his lifetime. Since his life revolves around life and death, his red eyes are unique, where they can see clouds or shadows hanging above people's heads that slowly consume them. The more clouds around a person, the sooner they die. This handy ability allows him to judge when a person is likely to die. He also possesses a catalogue in his mind, so to speak, that keeps track of everyone's death dates. Using this, he does his job as a Reaper to cleanse the world of lost souls. In order to perform his duty efficiently, he also possesses the ability to teleport in puffs of mist or blackened smoke. As Strife does not have a weapon, he reaps souls using his bare hands, able to rip a soul right from its body.

  • History

    Strife has lived in Rolling Edge City for as long as he can remember. Wandering this place alone is his earliest memory, as he woke up one day, all alone with a gap in his memory. He has no idea who his parents are or if he even had family to begin with. As a Reaper, Strife had nothing but his job, despite not remembering being taught how to do his job, his natural instincts told him everything he needed to know and he lived to take the souls of those near death. One day, he was unexpectedly visited by Geraldine, the goddess herself who oversaw Aradia. She had this idea and wanted him to play a part in it. This idea was to form a group of talented individuals to do various important tasks in Desolation. These individuals would be dubbed The Temple Kings. For Strife, it gave him a sense of purpose and made his life more interesting and exciting, so we accepted and just went with it. Plus, the deal included a cool temple and he needed a place to live, rather than wandering the world aimlessly. Nowadays, Strife resides in his temple as the keeper of death and time, constantly watching over others and deciding who should die and when their time is to come.


    Strife has no idea where he was really born, but his earliest memory was in Rolling Edge City. This place is located to the far left of the land below the surface, against the wall by one of the Rivers of the Guardian. It is by one of the few grassy patches among the dirt of the underground land. There are also a few trees and animals living here, as the light from The Crystal of Prosperity is able to reach this place, allowing things to grow and thrive. This is what makes this location perfect for the city’s survival, however, the rocks from the wall behind it, constantly fall, adding a little danger to what could have been the ideal spot. The people living here have to be weary of landslides and try to build strong, sturdy buildings as they often get damaged and risk collapsing. He remembers living here alone without anyone, no parents or siblings, so he is not sure he even has family.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Strife lives in The Temple of Strife: This is just one of the five temples scattered all over Desolation Island. They each have their own purpose on Aradia, with four of them being owned by what these lands call a ‘Temple King’. The fifth is where the Gatekeeper resides. While the others keep the place in check, she is the one that keeps them on track. The Temple of Strife is Strife’s home. He is the keeper of death and time, constantly watching over others and deciding who should die and when their time is to come. He can see who is important to their world's success and keeps them alive until their duty is complete.

  • Ancestry

    • Strife comes from a long line of powerful Reapers
    • His ancestors were well travelled, never staying in one place or planet
    • His mother was known as one of the most skilled and efficient Reapers, the best at her job


    • As one of the Temple Kings, Strife knows the many secrets the planet holds and that there are two lands, separated by fate. Many who live here have never felt safe enough to venture around the world and discover what it holds
    • Strife’s main secret comes from his abilities to see when a person is going to die, as he cannot tell anyone how or when their time comes


    • In Desolation, there are five temples, four being home to the Temple Kings, the fifth being home to the Gatekeeper
    • As one of the Temple Kings, Strife constantly watches over others and decides who should die and when. He can see who is important to their worlds success and keeps them alive until their duty is complete.
    • As a Reaper, Strife has sight different from a normal person, where clouds or shadows hang above people's heads and slowly consumes them. The more cloud around a person, the sooner they die