Corwin Ader



3 years, 8 months ago


"Let's handle things peacefully, okay?"
Corwin Ader

あでら ・ コーウィン

Koouin Adera

Other Names

Akira Ishida



July 16th

Star Sign

170.2 cm

Hair Color

Eye Color
Light Brown

Valley of Thorns



School Year
2nd Year



Science Club

Best Subject
Defensive Magic

Dominant Hand

Favorite Food
Grilled Chicken

Least Favorite Food
Brussel Sprouts

Senseless Conflict

Tea Making



Corwin is someone that comes off as almost ethereal. Quiet and unassuming Corwin is noted to be one of the kinder students. Giving off a rather relaxing aura, the male is noted to be rather welcoming in terms of apporaching him and is often found in the company of others because of it. He has no problems in going along with the mood of others as it's a habit of his to simply watch; seeing others enjoy themselves is something that makes him happy. While he himself isn't the most outgoing, he doesn't mind being dragged along for the ride.

Corwin is also noted to be hard to anger. Not much gets under his skin due to his motto of no getting worked up over small things. He is always quick to compromise or give in to the whim of others if want one wants is harmless enough however he is not a push over. If it goes agaisnt his morals, Corwin will want nothing to do with it as he is not one to particate in things that can cause others harm. His rejections are always done politely and with a smile as even if he manages to anger, as rare as it is, he always keeps a serene smile on his features.

Rather helpful, the male doesn't mind lending a hand and doesn't expect much in return. Since he's been around for a while, Corwin believes that one should help others as it can benefit you later. As such, Corwin has a lot of connections that he can rely on though he doesn't view them as anything less then friends. He doesn't like using people and always makes sure there is a fair give and take.

Corwin is much smarter than he lets on. Quite insightful of others and observant of the actions others take, the male simply tends to watch and only interferes if he's asked to. Able to give rather sound advice, he is good at taking control of a situtation with words alone, skilled at lessening tensed moods and subduing even the most stubborn of people. His advice is well founded though he doesn't sugarcoat his words. Often direct and even harsh, the male feels like he has to be so in order to get his points across.


  • Brewing Tea
  • Watching others enjoy themselves
  • Learning new things
  • Cats
  • Collectables

  • Needless Conflict
  • Using People
  • His unqiue magic
  • Mentions of his family
  • Content

  • Corwin's unique magic is called "Heartbeat". A rather lethal unique magic, it allows Corwin to slow the pulse of anyone he touches causing one to feel dizzy or faint. If he truly wanted to, he could stop it as well. However he has learned to use it passively by simplying slowing one's pulse enough in order to calm one down.
  • Corwin's name relates to the heart while Ader means 'vein'.
  • He lives with his aunt as he is on bad terms with his parents.
  • Corwin is based of the Evil Queen's heartbox.
  • His room is littered with books hinting at his desire to learn things.

Corwin comes from a mid ranking noble family from the valley of thorns, well known for their battle prowess and feats during the war. To his family strength was a heavy part of their identity and it was held with vast importance. So when Corwin showed no signs of that desire to fight like his aiblings before him, it was meant with confusion. The male's passive attutide towards their family's legacy left his parents and others baffled and believing it was just a phrase slowly when about trying to awake that thirst for battle. It started with simply trying to egg him on with taunts and jeers that could be seen as harmless in nature, though Corwin would only smile and ignore them when this happened. Light shoves and tripping him while he walked, unable to do certain things unless he fought back; Corwin didn't bugde on his peaceful resoulotion and soon this almost harmless harrassment slowly bled into full blown abuse. Even with the cruel treatment from his family, Corwin never once fought back in defending himself. Once again taking everything with a smile his family soon gave up on the idea that he would grow to meet their standard and so began to isolate him from the group.

Corwin would spend much of his childhood as the black sheep of the family. Simply watching them in times of peace and throwing themselves in the war with what could be said with a sense of glee, the male was well aware that he was out of place amongst a family of warriors and so did his parents. The only hope his parents had in him of becoming what they wanted in terms of a son rested solely on his unique magic. Perfect for fighting due to it lethality, Corwin was forced to take part in a war he wanted no part of and not wanting to die, had no choice but to defend himself. His time fighting was short yet memorable as he returned with a sense of self loathing and bitterness towards his family.

With his relationship nonexisent due to this, it was no surprised that he was one day left deserted in the middle of the Land of Pyroxene with just a slip of paper that contained an address of his aunt, another who was shunned from the family for her passive nature. Once in his aunt's company, Corwin found his life improve significantly as it was much peacefully compared to his family's homelife. Growing up on tales told from his aunt and the steady flow of a tranquil day to day, Corwin found himself itching to learn more than bloodshed and war and soon began to consume anything he could get his hands on. Learning on how to use his unqiue magic passively from his aunt, Corwin soon began aim towards getting accepted into Night Raven College simply at the prosepct of learning new things.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa. Mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa. Mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet.