
3 years, 10 months ago


io santi andromeda
cis girl lesbian
she / her

16 / white / oct 9 / libra / design (sire)

io santi andromeda

She jumped up and down in excitement. "Oh dude, this is gonna be GREAT!"

Io has cloning powers and super speed, but she is more proficient in her cloning skills. She loves using her powers in training, and for fun. Her go-to weapon is a bow and arrow, and she's a trainer archer. Io is sarcastic and fun-loving, but takes her work seriously.

She's a loyal friend and very intelligent. Of course, she goes everywhere with Nix, and they get into a lot of mischief. When she met the other New Kids, she didn't really like them at first, but grew to be close friends, and developed a crush on Ressa. She loves practicing her archery and working on her training, and has a lot of big aspirations for her future.


  • harmless pranks
  • bright colors
  • hot weather
  • karaoke
  • being the center of attention
  • roller skating


  • sour foods
  • verbal arguments
  • not being in control
  • solitude
  • bad hygiene
  • rejection


  • ambidextrous
  • good with first aid
  • has ADHD


"No, no, you're not doing it right," she laughed. "Just let me do it."

Io is smart and always knows when to tell the right joke. She works hard at school and her training, and loves her constant friendly competition with Nix. She likes sports, but favors volleyball and archery heavily, she's a pro at both. Io wants things to go according to plan, so she can seem a bit bossy or stubborn at times, even if she's trying to do the right thing. She is very extroverted and loves spending a lot of time with her friends, especially during training.


  • ESFP-A
  • sarcastic
  • devoted
  • dilligent
  • confident
  • leader


  • stubborn
  • smart ass
  • narcissistic
  • tempermental
  • over-ambitious
  • impatient


  • volleyball
  • archery
  • poly-sci club
  • roller skating
  • fletchery
  • history


  • midnight
  • cram-studying
  • road trips
  • neon lights
  • lanterns
  • arrows
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Sensor
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent


  • HAIR COLOR blonde
  • EYE COLOR green
  • SKIN COLOR tan
  • HEIGHT 5'7
  • CLOTHING STYLE comfortable/trendy
  • WEAPON OF CHOICE bow and arrow
  • Skinny Large
  • Short Tall
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy
"It's cute, isn't it? Got it at the mall the other day."

Io is limber and flexible. She trains a lot and practices different sports, so she has a lot of strong muscles in her body. Her cloning powers are strong, but sometimes she has trouble controlling them, along with her super speed. She often looks very focused, or even smug. But her demeanor is suprisingly laid-back, she reclines in chairs and sits casually on tables and counters.

She likes her hair long and wavy, she'll tie it up in a bun or ponytail for sports practice though. It isn't very styled, but it is presentable. Her clothes are trendy with a bit of flair, she likes skirts and has a lot of shoes. Io's look is always put-together, and she loves coordinating or matching outfits with Nix.

design notes

  • scar over right eye
  • freckles
  • smug demeanor
  • 3 ear piercings
  • walks fast
  • average posture
  • talks loud and fast
  • semi-deep voice
  • average posture
  • wears minimal or no makeup



ressa: crush

as soon as they meet, io starts to develop a crush on her. she keeps a secret. they become very good friends through training, and they like to give each other battle tips! io tends to push away her feelings to make the friendship smoother. even after they grow up, her feelings stay the same but she never admits them, and is sad when ressa starts a family with someone else. even through this, the whole group manages to stay friends, so she stills appreciates the time she gets with ressa now and then.


nix: twin brother

Nix is her best friend, she would be so lost without him. They love playing pranks together, and stay close their entire lives. They are incredibly chaotic together and love it. They do pretty much everything together, except for their individual hobbies. Io is secretly a little jealous that Nix has better super speed, but Nix is secretly a little jealous she has better cloning powers. Still, they manage to avoid arguements and stay loyal to each other.


seba: friend

Her relationship with them is awkward at first, but eventually they become great friends. Seba is rude to her at first because they hate Nix, but once Seba and Nix start to make up (and then break up), they start to like Io. They have a few similar interests and enjoying lightly making fun of Nix together.


stacy: friend

Stacy is pretty much the only kid in the group with a brain cell, and Io admires him. She thinks he is really intelligent and likes how he solves problems! Io quickly realizes how important of an asset he is to their team, and immediately wants to make sure he doesn't feel left out of anything. Stacy starts to really feel like part of the group when Io reaches out to him, and he cherishes that memory.


jesse: mentor

Io has only really felt a very strong familial bond with two people: Nix and Jesse. he steps up for her when she doesn't feel confident enough, and constantly uplifts her. She and Nix learn and train in different ways, and she is thankful that jesse can notice that and teach them both in the way that fits. Io really thinks of Jesse like a strong older brother.

the new kids

















art fight: character

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spotify: playlist

songs about this character or songs i think they would like!

pinterest: moodboard

general mood/vibe/energy of this character, or just things that remind me of them

pinterest: clothing

clothing ideas for this character

tumblr: oc tag

tag for this character on my oc blog!

instagram: oc tag

my general oc tag for art of all my ocs!

profile html by Hukiolukio