Kaden Brant



7 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Kaden Brant

Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Kay

Preferred name: Kaden

Age/Date of Birth: May 10, 1983 (27 years)

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Bisexual

Race: Human

Skin Tone: Fair skin

Height: 5'10"

Build: Thinly built

Eyes: Deep brown

Hair: Black, short and choppy

Clothes Style: Typically very formally dressed. He tones it down a bit, opting for plain tees and jeans when outside of the restaurant, though he rarely leaves.

Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: Snake-wrapped apple on his right shoulder

Religion: He tends to be a bit more liberal with his religious beliefs, interpreting the Biblical texts to suit his own needs, though he still has a hard time with some technological advancements.

Education: Graduated high school and has taken a few college courses leaning toward business.

Languages spoken: English

Occupation(s): Owner of Eden Inn (and restaurant)

Special Abilities/Skills:

Activities/Organizations: As a child, he was very much attached to his parents and didn't engage much in activities outside of the home. In Silverbrook, however, he plans to assist in HAAE{E}

Hobbies: Cooking, organizing

Interests: Music, fine art

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Kaden is very stubborn and set in his ways.

Citizenship: England

Place of Birth:

Now lives: Silverbrook

Lives with: Lives alone at his inn

Current Relationship Status: Single

Relationship History: Kaden tends to fall in love easily, or so he says. He's known to have one-night stands with his patrons more than occasionally.

Family: After his father's passing, he chose to branch out the family business. His mother remained to maintain the first Eden Inn, though they keep close in touch, talking often.

(Python/Viper Hybrid snake)