Deina Thomas Grey



7 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Deina Tomas Grey

Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Dein (Pronounced Dane)

Preferred name: Dein or Grey. He can not stand to be referred to by Deina (pronounced Dana) or by his full name.

Age/Date of Birth: February 13, 1991

Sex: male

Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Male/unknown (Doesn't get romantically involved easily.)

Race: Human

Skin Tone: Pale to lightly tanned

Height: 5'11"

Build: Slender, slightly athletic build

Eyes: Heterochromatic, blue and brown. Will wear colored contacts most days, in a range of colors (both natural and unnatural). Has been known to wear a single color contact at times to match his eyes.

Hair: Most often, Dein will keep his natural dark-brown to black haircolor in varying lengths. He tends to dye his hair frequently, adding highlights or color streaks, as well as extensions. Without any of his modifying, his hair is just below chin-length, looking dark brown or black in different lighting.

Clothes Style: His typical clothing is an off-the-shoulder or midriff band shirt or graphic tee to show off a rose tattoo that wraps around his side from shoulderblade to hip/thigh area. He generally wears low-riding skinny jeans. Accessories range from simple chains to etched leather collars or dogtags.

Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: Which piercings he wears will change daily, as well as the addition of new piercings or healing of old. A rough breakdown of his known piercings are: *right eyebrow, 2-3 piercings *Right under-eye, 3 piercings (actually drilled into bone) *left eyebrow, 1 piercing *5/8" gages *2 studs just above the gages *Right ear, 2 rings just above the studs *Labret piercing *3 piercings on each side of his collarbone *Stitching at the corners of his mouth (only stitches one side at a time, so the opposite side will have scarring from the threads/wire) *Large rose tattoo on his left side. Vine wraps from shoulderblade to chest, several times down side, ending in half-bloomed rose in the hip/thigh area. *Canines have been filed to a point *Ears have been surgically modified to a point (not overly prominent.)

Religion: Dein tends not to worry much about religion. He is of the mentality that death is inveitable and whatever happens afterward will simply happen, regardless of his behaviours in life.

Political Affiliation: He rarely pays much attention to politics, due to moving frequently. Dein prefers not to remain in one place for too long, hating to be tied down to anything.

Education: He's undergone the typical gradeschool education and is a first-semester college dropout. Shortly after beginning classes at a local university, he determined that college life simply wasn't for him. The rushed feeling of the work clashed with his laidback personaity.

Languages spoken: English is his first, and thus-far only, language. Staying primarily in England and the north-eastern United States, he's never felt the need to learn any other languages to live.

Occupation(s): Freelance graphic design keeps Dein busy. He will do anything from a simple tattoo design to a complex photoshoot for a fashion magazine, whatever he's needed for. He has a wide range of talents and an eye for design that he easily puts to work in his art.

Special Abilities/Skills: Dein has a photographic memory when it comes to his artwork and, when inspired, can redraw every detail of his subject. He also has a very high pain tolerance (though this could be due to his highly masochistic lifestyle.)

Activities/Organizations: Tending to be a bit of a loner, he doesn't engage in many organizations or activities with others, though he does enjoy the occasional outing to a dance club. Even so, he rarely wanders onto the dancefloor, himself. Dein prefers to watch others, getting inspiration for his work through their motions.

Hobbies: His hobbies mingle with his work, anything from painting and drawing to photography, or even (on rare occasion) fashion design. He enjoys music, as well, drawing a great deal of his inspiration from bands that he hears.

Interests: Dein tends to be very interested in astrology, mythology, and the like. He has always been very fascinated by the supernatural.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Addicted to change, which is supported by his masochism. He is excited by even the idea of pain, and will often allow piercings to heal so that they may be redone and he can experience the pain of it again. A sort of nervous gesture, Dein can often be seen tugging at his piercings as a means to feel even the slightest twinge of pain. His appearance varies from day to day, often changing or redoing his piercings, covering his tattoo, dying his hair, etc.

Citizenship: Dein currently holds dual citizenship in both England and the United States. He tends to alternate between the two every few years when he feels that he's run out of inspiration.

Place of Birth: Bath, England

Now lives: He isn't tied down to one place. He often rents a small apartment in whatever city he chooses, never knowing when inspiration will run out and he'll feel the need to leave.

Lives with: Dein currently lives alone.

Current Relationship Status: Single

Relationship History: After trying to find a meaningful relationship with both men and women, Dein has become very withdrawn and rarely seeks romantic entanglement of any sort. He's never been overly interested in any sort of relationship, finding his previous attempts to be dull and one-sided.

Family: Being the black sheep in his family, he doesn't have a great relationship with them. His parents have always been the type to be outwardly affectionate (especially in public), though will scold or simply shun him in private. He has a somewhat decent relationship with a younger sister, dealing with her more open-mindedness easier than his parents' disdain.