Devon James D'aubigne



7 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Devin James D'Aubigne

Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Dev, Devin, James

Preferred name: Devin or James

Age/Date of Birth: October 30, 1989

Sex: male

Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Male/bisexual

Race: Human

Skin Tone: Pale, somewhat sickly

Height: 5'4"

Build: Small, thin-framed

Eyes: Wears hazel contacts

Hair: Shoulder-length, black-and-blond. Generally sideswept so the colors are parted evenly, though, occasionally wears it in a messy ponytail

Clothes Style: He covers himself from head-to-toe due to hypersensitivity to sunlight. Devin isn't tied to one particular style of dress, though he does wear a lot of dark colors. Long-sleeve shirts, jeans or slacks, gloves, and a scarf are generally his ensemble. Rather than using hats, he will carry around an umbrella with him.

Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: He has a fair few scars along his arms, part of the reason he remains covered.

Religion: Devin doesn't practice religion, preferring a scientific approach to things. He prefers to believe that everything is scientifically explained, rather than given by a deity with a twisted sense of humor.

Education: After completing his gradeschool, Devin began medical studies. He is currently studying abroad at various medical facilities and research centers.

Languages spoken: English, he generally has a translator readily available.

Occupation(s): Medical student. He's accumulated various scholarships and grants that allow him to focus on his studies. Devin participates in internships at the various hospitals to supliment his income.

Special Abilities/Skills: No notable skills known

Activities/Organizations: Though normally antisocial, he will occasionally venture into the nightclub scenes or 'vampire' clubs.

Hobbies: Very much a bookworm, he surrounds himself with books. Everything from fiction (he enjoys the irony of vampire novels) to medical texts. He does drawings, but his work is more technical studies, anatomy and biological diagrams.

Interests: Devin is, of course, interested in medicine. He is also mesmerized by the vampire subculture and literature. Devin does some cooking, as well, trying to find recipes that suit his special diet.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Suffers from porphyria, which causes hypersensitivity to sunlight and overexposure results in rashes or sores, which is the main reason that he keeps himself covered. Celiac disease keeps his diet very strict, causing lactost intolerance and an inability to digest gluten. That, coupled with an iron deficiency, restricts his diet severely. He is unable to tolerate most grains and dairy. In an attempt to supplement his diet, he will ingest small amounts of blood, though his stomach still can't handle much, no more than a shotglass on occasion.

Citizenship: English citizen

Place of Birth: Bristol, England

Now lives: Silverbrook

Lives with: Lives alone

Current Relationship Status: Single

Relationship History: Relationships are short-lived, often only a date or two. Most of Devin's relationships run along the lines of one-night-stand, when he makes the time away from his studies for any social interaction.

Family: An only child, Devin's always been very sheltered and pampered. His parents doted on him, giving him most anything that he wanted. When he was old enough to understand his conditions, he began researching ways to solve them and, much to his parents' disdain, chose to study abroad in the medical field. They keep in contact, offering help and gently pushing him to return home.