Celia Balans Virtus



3 years, 9 months ago


"Even a lifetime of suffering and servitude will never bring me redemption for the things I have done..."

Celia is a homunculus that was created by the same scientist as her younger "sibling", Elliot, to combat other monsters and creatures. Due to a complication during her developmental stage she was robbed of her eyesight and deemed incapable of fighting. Too kind was the old man who felt it was his fault that she ended up a failure and instead of scrapping her like the villagers wanted, Celia was sent away with a caravan that was headed by one of the scientist's close friends.

During her time traveling Celia learned how to "see" her surroundings through sound and a sort of clairvoyant magic one of the elders in the caravan had picked up when they were younger. She also gained the ability to predict the future-- or see future events-- to a certain degree. Often times her predictions were spot on and even helped the caravan to avoid dangerous outcomes but she quickly learned that this skill of her's was not entirely accurate 100% of the time. Along with her predictive abilities Celia is also able to cast powerful barrier/shield magic and even some AOE-like attack spells. 

Later on in her travels she learns of another young homunculus that has come from her hometown and sets out to find him. She feels a strong sisterly bond with Elliot but catches on quickly that he is very wary of her. Celia often does her best to act like the older of the two but often finds herself at a loss as to how to get the young homunculus to open up to her.

Basic Info

Age: 210

Height: 5'2" (157 cm)

Gender/Sex: Female

Build: Short and very delicate. 

Eyes: Very pale, almost white, pink.

Hair: A sort of mossy green color and often messy. She doesn't really bother with the upkeep.

Likes: Sunbathing, listening to fairy tales and retelling them.

Dislikes: Being treated as a burden, bugs and deafening silence.

Personality: Does her best to come off delicate and caring but harbors very deep insecurities about herself. She loves helping out where she can and often spends her time with the elders in the caravan. Celia desperately wants to get along with Elliot but often upsets him due to forcing herself to act like the older sister.