


3 years, 9 months ago


Siblings with Hex

Name: Vince

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: Teenager

Desc: Him and Hex were recruited by The Dark One to carry out his dirty work for him. He takes some fuin in doing this, pulling pranks on thier victims and causing a stir each time for his entertanment. He is more sadistic than his sister, and loves morid jokes and dark humor. He takes his job lightly, not considering how it may affect others. He is very observant and picks up even the tiniest details in a situation. He is a great body reader and can usaully tell when his siser is feeling down, even when she tries to hide it with her sassy nature. He is very protective of his sister and will make sure you suffer if you put a hand on her. He knows she's been though some rough times and is very supportive of her.