cotton & coco



7 years, 3 months ago


She/her (trans) - 13 + She/they (n-b) - 13

Twin sisters who have incredibly clashing personalities. They often get into fights and such but still remain close-ish!

COCO is aggressive and reserved. She chooses to isolate herself from others and is seen as "the weird kid in the back of the class". She only did this because she felt like she was rejected by everyone for not being as likable or upbeat as her sister.

COTTON is very upbeat and outgoing, always chatting with someone around her. She's very popular and praised by other students for her trendy and likable personality. Despite this, she feels as if she's stealing the spotlight from her sister which fills her with guilt even though she continues to indulge in her popularity.

Cotton has tried numerous times to get Coco up at the top of the social ladder with her, but more often than not it simply never works.