Ishtar's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Original value is $20, remember that unless there is additional value added to this you may not resell for higher (personally made art does not add to value).

LotusKing Global Rules

By purchasing from me and/or owning a design made by me, you follow my terms of service:
(The adopt/design terms are near the bottom of the page.)

If you are blacklisted, you may keep designs you already own by me but you are not allowed to gain more. It is preferred that you immediately gift/trade/sell the designs you already own by me though!
If you are not blacklisted, please check to make sure whoever you're gifting/trading/selling to isn't blacklisted by me. You will be immediately grey or even blacklisted if you sell to someone I have noted is not allowed to own something by me.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may message me at one of the following accounts in order of preference...

  • My discord if you already know it (I don't give it out at random).
  • LotusKing on TH
  • AlbinoFlowers on DeviantArt