🕊️💛 Alacor 💛🕊



3 years, 10 months ago

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NOTES: Slightly redesigning and removing from the harbinger closed species by Voidtech.

LORE: Alacor is a large forest Guardian. At full height he stands at roughly 7ft, with a wingspan of double, coupled with his intimidating gaze, and gruff nature many don't see him as someone they can easily approach. He has been hardened by his life experiences, and thus has a strong view of justice , life, and equality, making his actions and behaviors seem brash and strong willed to those he finds in disagreement. In reality Alacor is cunning and calculating, examing and intently observing the motives and actions of everyone he meets with a sharp eye. If there's anything he wants most from you, it's honesty and trustworthiness, with a healthy respect of the life you've been given, and the lives of those around you. If you have a good heart he'll see through to you, and become a loyal friend who'll never abandon you in your time of need. But if you don't he'll quickly find a way to humble you in the best ccircumstances, or hunt you down and make you regret ever crossing him at the worst.

Despite initial greetings though, Alacor is a softie with a big heart. However it's deeply buried and guarded, and he doesn't let just anyone get close to him. Largely his experiences with humans have been the source of this change in himself, and the scars across his face and body tell of old battles many shouldn't have started... As such Alacor has less patience and love for humans as a species, but as a Guardian he tries to not let that prejudice shine through. Perhaps he just needs the right individual to show him not all of them are bad.

EXTRAS: Alacor has become a strong father figure to a little creature named Grimalkin. He found him alone in the woods, crying to himself and something about the child's sad state made his heart hurt. So he's taken him under his wing... Literally, and figuratively. He is very protective of him, and always has room in his heart to teach the little creature everything he knows. They cuddle a lot, for Grimalkin has a bad habit of waking from horrible nightmares...

EXTRA EXTRAS: Yes this relationship between these two characters is largely based on my love of Dadmight between Toshinori and Izuku from MHA. No shame.