



"I'm Azriel. ... What, you want to know more? Fine. I'm a demon, so I'd advise you not to bother me too much, and I'm a warrior in the Demon King's army, under Alciel's command. We may be stuck in this strange human world for now, but I'm sure we'll get back home eventually, so life as 'Asuka' will only be temporary."
  • Name: Azriel
  • Human Name: Asuka Okami
  • Age: ??? (Over 100)
  • Apparent Age: 23
  • Height: 182cm
  • Species: Demon
  • Job: Formerly Warrior in Alciel's demon army, now Actress
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hairstyle: Long, usually in a ponytail or a braid
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Notable traits: Even when she looks completely human, Azriel always keeps some wolf-like behavior. Most obvious is probably that she tends to howl when she gets excited, just like she might bare her teeth and snarl if she's angry or feels threatened. She also tends to sniff unfamiliar things, and is probably a bit more prone to head-tilting than most bipeds. Now that she is locked into her human form, she sometimes even sleeps - or in general, lies down - in a position more suited to a canid, although that's mostly because those were situations when she normally assumed wolf shape; the times when she slept in human form were comparably rare.
  • Magic:
    • Shapeshifting; she's best at anything between her human form and her wolf form, though she can theoretically shift into any form she wants. There are some limits, though: The more advanced the changes, the more difficult they are and the more magic they need. Small things like eye colors, fangs, claws are almost effortless and only need magic to change into them, but barely any to sustain them; (functional) wings are a bit harder and need some energy to stay; anything that is vastly bigger or more massive (or smaller/lighter) than her typical forms need lots of magical energy and are very hard to do
    • Fire Magic

Fighting's (Almost) Everything

Azriel likes fighting; that much is easy to notice, though it doesn't quite capture the true meaning of it. Azriel doesn't just like fighting the way one might enjoy going for walks; fighting is Azriel's favorite thing, and even that would still be a little too mild a statement for her. If she can fight, she will. If she can't, she'll most likely try to find a way to be able to again.
She is, of course, able to do or think about other things, but there tends to be a more or less subtile trend of "But I could be fighting..." in it. That does include sparring or general practice or even play-fighting; Azriel isn't that picky, especially if she's got an opponent who's a match for her.
Perhaps because of that, she also has a view of friendship or at least "people she likes" that can be strange to others. While she has picked a very clear side, she wouldn't mind having friends on the opposite side - She just also would not hesitate even a second to beat them up.


One thing matters more to Azriel than fighting, and that is loyalty. Whether that's to a person or an ideal, if she respects someone, it is probably because she recognizes them as being loyal to someone or something. For herself, that would be Alciel and the Demon King, in that order; they're also the only people who even have a chance of making Azriel do something she doesn't want to do.

The most terrifying thing

Azriel enjoys scaring people, but even someone like her has things she fears. In her case, it's the things she can't fight - Sickness, for example. If Demons had a maximum age like humans, old age would probably be among them, too. Especially for the few people she genuinely cares about; the idea of being sick herself is bad enough, but someone whom she's sworn to protect, who is in danger while she has no way of helping? That is the stuff of nightmares for Azriel.

Battle-torn World

The Demons' world, Ente Isla, was full of war when Azriel was born. Demons were, after all, quite famous for fighting each other. They were no monolith, of course, but most operated on a sense of "eat or be eaten" - not quite literally, but in that principle. Azriel's parents weren't fans of it, but they mostly just stayed away, protecting each other and Azriel if necessary, but otherwise trying to avoid fights.
Azriel, even as a child, was of a different mindset. While she stayed with her parents - she wouldn't have had a chance against stronger Demons, anyway - she enjoyed fighting. Usually, she just sparred with other children if they met any, with the excuse of it being practice "just in case". When she got a bit older and helped her parents fight off would-be attackers, she did also get a taste for actual fights, though.


Eventually, someone took the role of the Demon King. Maou put an end to most of the infighting between Demons, and for many of them, that was a welcome reprieve. Azriel's parents were among them.
Azriel was not. She could acknowledge that for many, it was good, but for her, personally? She missed fighting. So when she heard that Maou was going to challenge another world, she decided to join him immediately. Her parents asked her not to, but Azriel was determined, and left before they could stop her.
Azriel joined Maou's army under his general Alciel. She wasn't very tactically minded, but she was a good fighter, and could at least coordinate a bit; she'd never have - or want - one of the higher roles, though eventually, she was often in charge of smaller squads attacking specific cities or villages. Until she was torn away.


Azriel still doesn't know what exactly happened, only that, somehow, instead of on her way to the next fight, she found herself somewhere with streets and houses like she'd never seen, and magic-driven carriages - which, as she later learned, were called "cars" and did not, in fact, run on magic. And all that in human form, unable to change shape like she used to.
It took Azriel some time to find her feet. She'd ended up in a magic-less world full of humans, in a country she later learned was named "Japan", with no way back home. Worst for her, though, was losing her shapeshifting abilities. While she had taken human shape occasionally, if it was necessary or even just helpful for a mission, it had never been for this long. The shape she spent the most time in was something of a large, bipedal wolf-like creature, and in general, she rarely spent more than a few hours in any one shape without changing at least a part of herself, even if only shifting wolf ears to listen, or clawless hands to more easily do something requiring dexterity. Now, though, she was trapped.

New Life

Azriel more or less made do. She found work as a model or an actress, going by the name of Asuka instead of Azriel to stand out less, and it paid well enough for her to afford a decent place to live, food, and pets. Once she had figured out how life in this new world worked, Azriel adopted three dogs from the local "shelter"; it wasn't the same as a pack of wolf demons, or demons in general, but it was the closest she got. The dogs were named Lux, Aya, and Sayu, a play on the names of her old leaders and commanders.
For one year, Azriel was alone. Then, somehow, whatever had thrown her there found two others: Maou himself, and Alciel (and, as she'd learn later, Lucifer). Azriel was... Conflicted about it, to say the least; as happy as she was to no longer be the only demon around, she also didn't want the others to suffer the same fate she had, especially not these two. So, she's doing her best to help them, preferably help them find a way back, but until then, help them deal with this world.




The biggest of Azriel's dogs, Lux is a mutt as well. He looks a bit like an oversized Caucasian Owtscharka, so there's a big chance that he's a crossbreed of them; he can't be a purebred due to his black coat. Thanks to his sheer mass, Lux easily looks the most threatening of her dogs, but unless there are orders from Azriel, he's probably the most harmless. He would fight if told to or to protect his little pack, but as long as that's not the case, he'd rather just get some pats and belly rubs 24/7. Without orders from Azriel, the biggest danger he poses would probably be accidentally squishing someone when he decides that he is, in fact, a lap dog despite being heavier than quite a few humans (or demons, or fallen angels).




Aya is a pretty tall mutt, looking roughly similar to a cross between a Dobermann and a Labrador, though a bit taller than either. When she wants to - So usually if Azriel tells her to -, she can be almost terrifying; however, usually, she's actually rather well-tempered, and second-in-command of the three.




The smallest and fiercest dog of Azriel's new pack. Sayu, sometimes nicknamed Sa-tan, is probably the most similar to Azriel in her character: Always looking for a fight, and never backing down. She might not have much mass to back herself up, but in the canine world, confidence is often far more important than brute strength, so in the absence of Azriel, she is the small pack's leader.

Which virtue does she value the most?

Loyalty, to both beings and ideals; regardless of whether or not she likes someone, she will at least respect someone who stays true to their ideals or loyal to others even when that means sacrifice. While she theoretically believes both to be equally important, in her opinion, someone who is worthy of loyalty is also someone who will never put you into a position to choose between these two things.

What are her preferred weapons?

She prefers tooth and claw, or for long range, magic; she can somewhat fight "normal", clawless hand-to-hand, too.

Does your OC fear dying in a certain way or from a particular cause? If so, what is it, and why do they fear it?

For Azriel, the worst option would be to die while Alciel needs her - say, in a big battle while she sees Alciel getting overwhelmed. She also, paradoxically, fears dying peacefully in her sleep. Azzy can deal with battles, that’s what she’s used to, but even after over a year, not being in a battle is still foreign to her.

Has your OC ever lost their ability to use one or more of their senses? If so, how did the loss(es) happen, and how did the loss(es) effect your OC’s life?

She didn’t technically lose any senses, but Azriel is now stuck in human shape, which means her senses of hearing and smell are far more dull than what she’s used to, unless she actively uses magic to enhance them - Which she can’t always do, since magic is hard to come by in our world.
Azzy still smells stuff just as a reflex, then gets annoyed that her human nose tells her almost nothing. She keeps reminding herself that it’s gonna be temporary since their plan technically still is to return to their home world, but it’s still annoying (Just like pretty much everything, tbh), and she uses probably more of her magic than she should so she can use her senses at usual strength (Hey, someone has to check whether new people visiting her general are human or something potentially dangerous!)

How well does your OC handle criticism?

That depends on who is doing the criticizing und what they criticize. Her general or her king are usually fine, no matter the context. Anyone else… Should think twice. It can be fine, but if she’s in a bad mood and/or it’s about a touchy subject or something she takes pride in… Better not.

How does your OC tend to communicate their pets? Do they use a certain tone of voice, use specific hand signals, or something else?

Azriel mostly talks to her dogs nonverbally (and partially magically); she’s a wolf demon after all. With other animals, like the tiny kitten she once raised, she uses her normal voice.

What would your OC do if they discovered something of theirs had been stolen? Would they have any immediate suspects in mind? Would they go to someone for help or deal with the matter themselves?

Azriel can and will find out, and the thief will not like being found. (Unless it was Alciel or Maou. Depending on what they stole and for what reason, they still won’t like it, but it won’t be nearly as bad for them - But they probably only would’ve had to ask anyway)

Which character has the highest pain tolerance?

Azriel. She’s. She’s a fighter. Tends to only really notice wounds way afterwards. She’ll fight you, she’ll fight your dog,she’ll fight her best friend, she’ll fight her lover, SHE’LL FIGHT HERSELF AND ALSO THAT DAMN LEAF THAT JUST ANNOYED HER FOR FUCK’S SAKE! I love her dearly but she’s got a bad temper, and high pain tolerance is really practical if you fight a lot.

Which character would say "Hey there, demons, it's me, ya boi?"

Azriel, she literally is a demon.

What song reminds you most of your character? If your character had access to all modern songs (or, at least, the ones you have access to ;D), what do you think would be their favorite song? (Optional question: does your character have a playlist? If so, please post it! If not... wanna make one? :D)

Azriel is a huge fan of Skillet (Which is kinda funny considering that Azzy is a demon, and Skillet is a Christian Rock band lmao).

Imagine your OC trying to do yoga

Azriel… Would not have the patience for it. She has good control over her body, but she prefers to use said control for something more… Action-filled.

Which personality trait does your OC value most in others?

For Azriel, definitely loyalty. No matter what else she might think about a person, if they’re loyal - be that to a person or to ideals - she’ll respect them.p>

Which OC is squeamish? What grosses them out most?

She isn’t squeamish in general, but Azriel can’t stand the smell etc of sickness. Blood? Bugs? Snails? No problem. Someone smells like they’re ill? Nope.

Which OC would take in a raccoon from the streets to raise as a pet and insist to anyone who says otherwise that it’s just a cat?

Azriel would take in a raccoon 100% aware it’s a raccoon. She just doesn’t care.

How well does your OC adjust to new social environments?

Azriel is… An interesting case. She doesn’t MIND being in new environments where she doesn’t know anyone - as long as she knows where Alciel is and that he’s not in danger - but she’s not very interested in making friends or getting to know anyone, she mostly keeps to herself. When the new environment involves humans, anyway; if it’s demons, she’s way more outgoing and does socialize, though she’d definitely try to become top-dog asap.

If your OC had to wear a warning label, what would it be for?

“Warning: Explosive”

Which OC would have “Live, Laugh, Love” featured in their home? Is it ironic or genuine?

Azriel would tear it down in other people’s homes. Then again she doesn’t usually get invited into other people’s homes.

How skilled is your OC when it comes to bartering, bargaining, and generally persuading business transactions into going their way?

… Does threatening them count? She’s pretty good at that. Sweet-talking someone otoh… No.

Imagine your OCs reuniting after a long time apart

Azriel is… Really really bad at showing she cares. She’ll be happy, but probably still won’t say much more than “Hey.”. She’ll tend to hang around near the person though, more than she usually would.

Favorite drink? Why? Do they drink alcohol or not?

The blood of her enemies Probably fruit juices, like cherry juice, for no real reason. She doesn’t really like alcohol; it’s pretty bitter if you’re not used to it, and she hates her senses being numbed. She probably got drunk at least once after ending up in the human world though.

What would be the best–and the worst–way to give your OC bad news?

For Azzy, the best way would be to start with something she can do about it, if there’s anything. Like, “We need you to fight there because Alciel is gravely injured”. If that’s not possible, just get straight out with it, no cushioning, no “Please sit down”; every bit extra will make things worse.

What is the best way to calm your OC down?

Letting her punch something (or scratch, bite, kick, whatever). There’s fairly few instances where that wouldn’t work.

How does your OC react to the news that their mother has sold them to One Direction?

Azriel kills One Direction.

After a long day, your OC finally has the chance to relax. What does your OC do first?

Azriel just flops down on the bed and falls asleep.

How much does your OC value the life of a stranger?

Not much at all. Demons more than humans, but in general, she gives no fucks.

Did you know that...
  • ... she almost always prefers her steak blue (but only because "raw" isn't an option)?
  • ... she barely cares about herbivorous animals except as food?
  • ... she has a soft spot for most carnivorous/omnivorous animals?
  • ... she once bottle-raised an abandoned kitten?
  • ... if she drags someone somewhere, she usually uses that person's hair?
  • ... it's sometimes hard to tell whether she's being mean or trying to take care of someone, even for those closest to her?
  • ... she doesn't like chocolate, or anything chocolate-y?
  • Stories Azriel features in:
  • A Demon's Power: Azriel and her pack of demons plan to take over a human town.
  • The Most Demonic Snowballs: Three demons and two angels happen upon a well of magic... And proceed to use it for a snowball fight.