💜The Pilot💜



4 years, 1 month ago


-Real name is Amelie Erisman

-Originally from Switzerland! Moves to America later on in her life

-Was taught how to fly planes by her father as young as 13 years old

-She went to war in place of her father who was sick and in place of her brothers and disguised herself as a man and kept her identity secret. She was 17 when she went to war.

-In the first year of battle her plane was shit down and crash landed on a island, The crash should of killed her and she was pronounced dead to her family but she survived but not unscathed, She had a very deep wound in her abdomen so much so that her gut were almost exposed and a broken leg and every day was a fight to live. She patched herself up with what she had and did her best to survive and ended up pulling through miraculously

-She ended up rebuilding her plane back up with the parts she could salvage and what was around just so she could have enough to fly back to mainland

-She managed to get her plane back in the sky during the last year of the war and on her way to the mainland shot down the troop that shot her down to begin with and scared the shit out of the pilots on her old team since she was supposed to be dead. Earning the title of Ghost Pilot

-After the war ended and attempted to go back home she was shunned away since it was dishonorable of her to go to war and pretend to be a man

-Throughout most of her life she decided to become an international mercenary. Despite her carefree and reckless nature shes very intelligent and crafty with machinery and always gets the job done.

-During a job when she was 29 and lost in the wilderness she stumbled upon some water that she drank from that turned out to be infused with Australium. Which in turn stunted her aging, Currently she should be 49 but her body still believes shes only in her early 30's since it almost completely froze her aging process

-She speaks 5 language, 6 if you count ASL

-Shes a prime example of what reckless flying looks like.

-Flies the same plane she flown in the war, Loves her plane very much

-Shes a very bubbly and playful person in nature, Very carefree and and dorky in a sense. But she can get serious if she has to be and always takes her jobs rather seriously.


°Mini Planes, Remote control planes modeled after her own plane but specifically built to be travel sized and used on the battle field. They can fire bullets and pick up health kits to bring to other teammates as long as they aren't shot down

°Remote control for the planes

