


3 years, 10 months ago



Name: Haruaan
Species: Lich
Alignment: True neutral
Age: 629
Gender: Cis man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Cleric
Mood board: Here
Artist: clockwork

Haruann is possibly one of the only benevolent lichs in existence. Rather than raising hell and spreading terror in pursuit of power, he quietly resides in a timeless cave, guarding it and the surrounding forest from impurities. Within the cave exists the last standing shrine of an ancient goddess. He stirs from his cave once during every full and new moon to physically explore his territory, but otherwise he sits quietly inside, watching every creature through all of the plantlife that is fed by the cave's waters.








Haruaan scarcely has any sort of interactions with living things aside from plants and animals. In the event that he does, he usually tries to drive them away from the cave, unless they have a sincere offering to the goddess within. Should he judge them to be well intentioned, he will allow them to place the offering at the cave and finish whatever business they have within the territory. He is inquisitive, patient, straightforward, and wise, and yet has little understanding left of culture and society. He is fiercely protective of the shrine and the innocent life that surrounds the cave, and will not hesitate to kill or curse those who so much as think of bringing harm upon them.


  • Stories
  • Rain
  • Fae
  • Stars


  • Intrusion
  • Selfishness
  • Decay
  • Winter










He can give people, places, or things blessings that increase their chances of performing well, having good luck, or coming across less challenges.

Death Defiance


He can exchange the lifeforce in one with other life (or lives) of equal value.



He can curse people with a fatal mark that will eventually devour their body and turn them into a patch of wild plants, typically mushrooms. Their soul will be unable to leave this plant-life unless the plant-life has been destroyed entirely.

All Speak


He can communicate with and understand all living beings. He can also use this to call upon wildlife to assist him.



He can control and manipulate plant-life that has consumed water from the caves to do as he wills.

Raw Magic Manipulation


Using is septre, he can manipulate raw magic by creating bolts of powerful energy, dispel and counter magic, create force fields, and move objects around him.


Haruaan was originally a human who was raised and trained by a group of monks who protected the smaller deities across the lands from being forgotten or eliminated by larger followings who saw them as a threat. Growing up, he spent most of his time learning under healers who tried to educate and help suffering communities of people both large and small. However there became a time when he and the others became frowned upon, and many of them were forced to disband.

Haruaan, along with a handful of others, made the decision to practice the forbidden art of deathless magic to become immortal. Collectively, they wrote up their contracts, and took it to the divine beings they considered most important to their people, and became lichs to protect them for as long as they exist.

He haunted the forest that surrounded the shrine, creating a legend of an undead protector to scare greedy and destructive humans from tainting the lands. His relationship with the goddess is a complicated one, however, for she had become cold and detached from the mortal world long before he had come to assist her. Despite the ultimate sacrifice he has given, she still seldom appears in this plane, leaving him virtually alone.

Having been successful at deterring ill-willed people from interacting with the lands, Haruaan remains dormant for most of his life, existing in a area between sleep and wakefulness, where he watches over all of the life, unmoving and unfeeling for the majority of the time. Occasionally, the healing properties of the cave's waters draw people in, as do the eerie fae that live in the woods around, but for the most part he rarely bothers to stir from the cave. So as long as people come with an offering, or are just there to pass through, he has little reason to emerge.

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