Juniffer "June" Harley



3 years, 9 months ago


✦ Details
Name Juniffer "June" Harley
Gender Female
Age 22 years old
World Earth
Species Human
Ethnicity Somalian
Home Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Occupation University Student, Skateshop owner
Sexuality Heterosexual
✦ Appearance
Height 6'1"
Body Type Lean
Hair Style Curly, down
Hair Color Mint Green
Eye Color Gray blue and green (has heterochromia)
Skin Color Black with white bloches (has vitiligo)
Clothing Style E-girl, skater boy
Posture Straight
Other Wears a black beanie and leather belt
✦ Likes
Ethiopian cuisine
Video games
✦ Dislikes
Judgmental people
✦ Hobbies
✦ Traits
✦ Quirks
Overly sarcastic
Snarky at times
✦ Phobias
Open water (oceans/seas)
✦ About June

Juniffer had always been the odd one out of the group ever since she was young. Because of her strange name, she always went by June since early childhood. She had been bullied for her vitiligo ever since elementary school but always had a fair size group of friends to have her back. When June was seven years old, she heard about Tony Hawk and has been very interested in skating ever since. As of age 21, she opened her own skate shop and has a pretty good amount of business while also juggling her role as a university student. June has become Amsterdam's local icon, as the only black girl with vitiligo and heterochromia. She doesnt like the attention a whole lot, so she mostly keeps to herself and her small group of close friends.

✦ Trivia
● June has heterochromia.
● June dyed her hair to stand out in middle school, despite hating attention.
● June has questioned her sexuality several times, but is currently a straight ally.
● June has been skateboarding for 15 years.
● June is also a makeup artist at her local Sephora.
✦ Relationships
Name n/a
Name n/a
Name n/a

profile html by Hukiolukio