



---Pronouns should be female. Sorry if I missed any---

During her youth Malt was quite the protege. She accelerated through both elementary and high school, entering university before she was even 18. In fact, at the rate she was being educated, she was to graduate when she was 18. However, this is when things went south. Her parents got into an accident, her father passing and her mother losing use of her legs. Despite being months from graduating she dropped out to take care of her mother. With no income and her mothers needs she struggled to find a suitable job. They lost their classy apartment and she lost her mother's respect, constantly being hounded on why she couldn't fix her if she was so smart. They ended up having to move to a sketchy part of town, where a nice gang roped Malt into being their illegal doctor. She had all the skills and training for it, after all.

She ended up doing this for a couple years. It ended though when what she suspected was a rival gang sent an assassin after her. The assassin ended up slicing open her stomach, leaving her fighting to keep her organs in and her life together. With some incredible determination and skill she used a sewing kit in her car to stitch himself up enough to get to the hospital. Sadly, her organs had taken sever damage. She ended up needing a bypass as her stomach couldn't be saved, not to mention other serious damage. Her mother lost it on her in the hospital, her violent outbreak landing her in a psyche ward (blamed head trauma from the accident for how she had deteriorated.) This left Malt with a sever lack of self worth and an overwhelming fear of both failure and being useless. 

With luck, the cops couldn't tie her to her gang activities, avoiding any charges. She did meet a medic that worked at a dangerous prison. The medic takes Malt in, helping her to recover before getting her a job at the prison. It had on-site apartments for its guards, and with its high security the medic believed it would be the safest place for Malt to escape the gang life. In the prison Malt ends up developing a strange relationship with the corrupt warden when she tries to gain more power to try and fix the broken system she worked in. If only her own desire for acceptance didn't make him end up falling for the doting warden, he may have gotten farther.

As a result of his injury, Malt cannot eat solids anymore. She's on a liquid diet so that her body can at least absorb nutrients. This makes it difficult to gain weight or develop muscle mass. However she is good at handling herself. She is immunocompromised though, what could be considered a simple cold to most could lead to organ failure for her.