


4 years, 1 month ago


Animal Class

+ Unsure of their actual name, 'Momo' was the first thing out of their mouth in a confused stutter when asked to introduce themself. Rolled with it and it's too late to change things now.
+ Fueled by anxiety and stress and chews on the end of their tail to stim.
+ Horrible insomniac and 2 - 3 hour naps are how they get by. If left sitting still for too long they'll start to doze off, but it doesn't last long. High tenacity has them continuing life until exhaustion stops them.
+ Loves farming and gardening so all their clothes are covered in dirt, mud, and peppered with flowers, even the fancier stuff.
+ Fangs protrude past their lips which causes a slur when they speak.
+ People make them incredibly nervous and they keep most social interactions short, made worse if they don't know the person well. If they really like you? They're clingy.
+ Selectively mute, their body language is usually expressive enough to make up for it.
+ Attached to Irin and will follow them around like a duckling.. even if they're not doing anything. They themselves are usually so covered in dirt and leaves the sprites don't notice them at first.
+ A doting worrywart once they warm up to others.
+ Loves rain but absolutely terrified of thunderstorms. They refuse to to go out in storms and if caught out in one they'll crouch under the nearest cover with their hands over her ears while trembling like a leaf.
+ Skittish as a deer and easily startled.
+ Three's forest gives them nostalgic feelings for memories they don't have and their sense of wanderlust will have them wandering around until they've memorized every turn. Finds themself coming back to it even if they leave, so partings are incredibly brief.
+ Doesn't care to remember who they were before. There's an awareness of how bad their anxiety issues are and they really don't want to figure out what caused that.
+ Every so often their skin will start to flake and peel. They'll go into hiding for the few days this happens since it leaves them vulnerable and they'll leave behind the shedding wherever they stay; baths help the process go faster.
+ Gets mistaken for being Galatic due to their bioluminescent freckles, but their lack of smarts gives them away pretty quickly. They use their freckles to travel through the treetops at night because they blend with clear, starry nights.  
+ Looks brighter than they actually are, but they've seen a lot of stuff. A good source of gossip if they're comfortable with you.
+ Heart full of love, head full of flowers, and can be too forgiving.
+ Pacifist to a fault, would rather flee or roll over than defend themself. They'll work up nerve and bite back if someone they care for is being hurt but they have a hefty recovery period after. (Glume and Buli terrify them)
+ Will sit and listen to Barclay for hours. He's one of the few people that's gotten them to fall asleep peacefully.
+ They'll pick up shiny objects off the ground and put them in their pockets only to forget they're there.
+ Hands and legs are usually covered in knicks and blisters from falls and stumbles. 'Momo' and 'graceful' are antonyms.