


3 years, 10 months ago



A gentle and quiet collector. Once a servant to a Great vampiric lord now a member of the shadow court there old master slayed at the claws of the Blood queen.  Tweets serves the thrown as they did their old master. Childish and playful in nature they are often heard whistling or chirping to themselves as they walk the halls of the Black Heart. 

Tweets has never been seen with their hood down there face always only there glowing eyes and beak in the void of their cowl. Nor have they ever vocally spoke out past the bird and beats like tweets and trills. Hence there name. Yet tweets is very intelligent if not directly bright. Able to follow directions to a tee and remember complicated direction they often go for the bluntest and most direct solutions to problems they run into. 

Their staff is a weapon of the old gods. A Tool awarded to tweets by the God Discordance. A small black hole on a stick. Able to pull pretty much anything Tweet wills into it. Disappearing into a pocket dimension with no except sept for when Tweet wills it.  Their old master commanding Tweets to deal with his political enemies. Recently Tweet uses it to condem wear rats, the rabid wolves, or just those they don’t like dealing with. Not Really given a direct job among the court short of being a floating guard to snowflake and Harold. 

Yet tweets is very friendly and expressive when around the two. A valuable allie to the court and another member more than capable of defending themselves and the Blood queens honor.