Ripley's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Zamzi Global Rules


  • Gifted, traded, or bought designs made by me (Zamzi); these rules apply to you!
  • Do NOT resell the adopt more than what you paid for unless they come with extra art! (your own art can also add value to the character; all I ask is that you be reasonable when pricing)
    However if you are in need of funds, in rare cases I will allow you to re-sell for more than their value if it will help you out!
  • If the character you received was through trade / gifted, you may only trade, gift, or accept vouchers.
  • All of my designs are to be kept on TOYHOU.SE! Do NOT remove them, even if you are selling to someone who doesn't have a TH. You will be black listed if you remove my designs.
  • Do NOT draw or edit over my artwork, ASK FIRST. I will not make edits for past OCs I've made.
  • Do NOT claim the artwork as your own.
  • Do NOT color pick or make close lookalikes of my designs.
  • Any rules broken on my TOS will result to you being black listed.
  • Do NOT trade or sell to anyone on my blacklist.
  • Newly bought characters from me are not allowed to be re-sold/traded immediately after buying. 3 week wait time preferred before re-homing. 
    Gifting is okay. [Not mandatory but preferred!]
  • Please do not delete the character's original profile. Co-sharing is okay, just keep the original. If I find the original being deleted/re-uploaded, you will be blacklisted.

Terms are subject to change! This is all for now until I can think anything else.

If you'd like to use these terms for your own TOS, feel free to do so!

Do NOT trade or sell to anyone on my blacklist; you will be blacklisted if you do.

BLACKLIST: Raoldar, Flue, WittyKilf/EldritchWitch, DARLING-, Occvultist (no customs/trading is ok)